Biography of Laima Vaikule. The way to fame

Famous Russian and Latvian pop musicsinger Laima Vaikule, whose biography will be considered in this article, is a deeply religious person. She became a singer only thanks to her grandmother, who used to sing in the church choir. None of the other relatives of the artist has anything to do with music. Biography of Laima Vaikule is certainly interesting to many admirers of her musical talent. Let's find out what she's like in life.

biography limes vaikule

Laima Vaikule. Biography

Year of birth of the artist - 1954, she appeared onlight on March 31. In 2014, the singer will celebrate her sixtieth birthday, but, most likely, there will not be a wide celebration. Laima has not celebrated her birthday for more than ten years. The actress says that this date is significant only for three people: parents and herself, the rest should not have any business before.

The homeland of Laima is the city of Cesis (LatvianSSR). The parents of the future singer were simple workers, and only grandmother, as already noted, had to do with music. When the girl was three years old, the family moved to Riga. Already there, at the age of 12, Vaikule first appeared on the stage of the house of culture at the vocal competition of young performers. After the contest, Lima was taken to a big band, with whom she performed before graduation.

lime vaikule biography year of birth

Biography of Laima Vaikule: education and the beginning of the creative path

After eight years of school, the future starentered the medical school. When Lima was 15 years old, she was engaged in vocals from the famous singer Leonid Zahodnik. The teacher was very fond of his pupil, believed that she had a real talent. Once he took the girl to audition for Raymond Pauls. Sang Laima in the dark hall of the Philharmonic, outside the window it was about six o'clock in the evening. Pauls came unexpectedly from behind, patting the girl on the shoulder and said that he would work with her. Laima had no limits. She became a soloist of the radio and television orchestra in Riga. In 1984, Vaikule entered the GITIS (director's department). There she noticed a famous poet Ilya Reznik and offered to sing the song "Night Fire". With her the singer got on the telecast "Song-86". In the same year, Lima sang a duet with Valery Leontyev, the legendary Vernissage. In early 1988 Vaikule presented her first solo program to the public.

Biography of Laima Vaikule: actress today

lime vaikule biography

A well-known singer conducts an active tourIn addition, as a jury member, he takes part in the life of the KVN festival, as an honorary guest and founding organizer, in the life of the New Wave musical contest. Laima Vaikule is a very simple person. According to her, she is unpretentious in clothes, she does not need villas and islands, she is absolutely indifferent to material things. The artist has a dream to go to India, to a monastery in the jungle, and live there even for a few months.

Biography of Laima Vaikule: family

The singer is the head of the Vaikule family (as the mosther successful representative). She has many relatives, without whom she does not represent her life. The musical collective also considers a part of the family. He prefers not to talk about his personal life. It is only known that she has a life partner named Andrei, with whom they studied together at GITIS and who is now her producer. The singer says that she did not give birth to a child, not because she could not, but because she did not have time for it. Children, in Laima's opinion, are a huge responsibility.

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