Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen. Filmography of the twin sisters

Twins always attract attention, evenif they are not celebrities. What can we say about the stars of cinema and music. Among the Hollywood celebrities Eshli and Mary-Kate Olsen take a special place, the filmography of which has only 19 films. And many of them failed at the box office. Having one fate for two, the sisters are actively engaged in the production and design of clothing. All this gives them the opportunity not only to live comfortably, but to be one of the richest twins in the world. But their acting career began trite.

One debut for two

Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen
For the first time on the screen, Olsen's sisters appeared in 1987year in the popular television series "Full House". They were then only 9 months old, they played the same role - little girls Michel Tanner. Ashley was more tearful, and therefore on the big plans, Mary Kate was mostly filmed. True, the creators of the series did not want to disclose this fact, and therefore in the credits they were listed as Mary-Kate Ashley Olsen. Only in the last season the audience was discovered the truth. Shooting of the series continued until 1995, during which time the sisters managed to grow up (they were 8 years old) and become real stars of cinema and television. However, the first series with the sisters Olsen is still considered one of the best of their work in the history of their filming.

Roles in the cinema

But the first film debut was held only in 1992year in the family comedy "Hide, Grandma, We're Coming". According to the plot of this tape, twin girls go independently to stay with their grandmother. They think in this way to save Mom from the hassle, but it turns out all the opposite. Despite the simple storyline and the predictable finale of such a film, the comedy is popular to this day.

The series with the sisters Olsen
The second significant film of the sisters Olsen becamethe popular comedy "Two: I and My Shadow", published in 1995. And at the box office it was a failure, but the video with it simply disappeared from the shelves of specialized stores. And to this day it is on this comedy that many people recognize Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen, whose filmography has since been replenished with other tapes.

In general, all subsequent work in film andserials of sisters are similar one to another. They played mostly twins or themselves. Plots of such sitcoms are predictable and understandable, and therefore critics often assessed the acting skills of Ashley and Mary Kate is not high. But in the 90s and early 2000s they were real teen idols. The last film, in which you can see the sisters together, was the film "The Moments of New York." It was released in 2004.

Brand "Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen"

Films, where the sisters Olsen
By the end of filming in the series "Full House"Twin sisters were very popular in the United States. Realizing this, the girls' father acted very farsightedly and founded his own production company "Dualstar", owned by the sisters Olsen. Thus, at the age of 6, Ashley and Mary-Kate became the youngest producers. From that day their names became a real brand, which was actively sold. And the films, where the Olsen sisters are filmed, are not the only source of income.

So, in different years twins under their own nameproduced clothing lines for the mass market. Although the icons of style they can hardly claim. Fashion critics then scold them for their appearance, then praise, calling their style "street chic." They actively cooperate with the stores "Wal-Mart", where not only the collection of Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen was successfully sold. The filmography of the sisters will soon have fewer films than the number of lines of clothing and accessories they have developed.

In addition, once in 2 months a magazine is published,bearing their name. And the company "Mattel" from 2000 to 2005 produced doll copies of the sisters Olsen. All this in total allowed them to enter the list of the 100 richest women of the planet.

Personal life

Movies with sisters Olsen new
Despite the fact that literally from birthSisters are in the public eye, they manage to hide the details of their personal lives. In different years there were rumors of their relationship with various celebrities. So, Mary-Kate is credited with a novel with Heath Ledger, and Ashley - a relationship with Johnny Depp and Gerard Leto. However, the actress herself refuses to comment on this matter.

Moreover, in the second half of the 2000s, whenfilms with sisters Olsen began to be forgotten, new scandals with Mary-Kate and Ashley appeared one after another. So, in 2006, Ashley was accused of using illegal drugs. However, it was not possible to prove this, as a result, she won the process, she was paid compensation of $ 40 million. Mary Kate at that time fell under the sights of the press because of her excessive leanness, she even was treated for anorexia in a rehabilitation center in Utah.


Today, Olsen's sisters are not filming,focusing on the design and production career. Also, the 27-year-old millionaires are not yet planning to acquire a large family or even to marry in the near future. Why wait for the admirers of star sisters Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen? The filmography of these twins may be supplemented with new star roles. However, it is possible that they left a film career forever.

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