Brandon Stark - a character from the series of novels "The Song of Ice and Fire"

Brandon Stark is a fictional hero from the seriesbooks "The Song of Ice and Fire", written by George Martin. On the motives of this work, one of the most popular series for today is shot, which is called "The Game of Thrones".

Brandon Stark

Brandon Stark

This is the second son of Ned Stark and Katilin Stark. At the beginning of the cycle of novels, the boy was only ten years old. And, as the writer himself noted, Brandon Stark became the only hero who was not included in the fourth novel of the cycle "The Song of Ice and Fire".

As already known, Brandon is the second sonand, accordingly, he has an older brother whose name is Rob, and the younger one is Rikon, and also two sisters: Sansa and Arya. Bran has another brother, who is the bastard of Lord Stark, John Snow. The little Bran (as everyone called him) had his own fucking wolf which they found with his father in the forest. Bran called the wolf Leto.

Brandon Stark actor

Biography of Bran Stark - the hero of the cycle "Song of Ice and Fire"

The life of the child Katilin and Neda Starkov completelychanged when Brandon Stark was injured, as a result of which he could no longer walk. This terrible situation entailed a chain of terrible events that led to a great war between the houses of Stark and Lannister. This injury was inflicted on him by the twin brother of Queen Jaime Lannister. After the fall from the tower, Bran appears super-powers, thanks to which he can see through the eyes of his fiercely. Then he will have the opportunity to see and through the eyes of other people, and also to move into the past. This ability will help Brandon Stark in the future to learn many secrets that Father Eddard Stark carried with him to the grave. For example, at the end of the sixth season of the series Bran discovered the ability to move through time and was able to learn the big secret of his father. And he concluded that John Snow, who was considered to be Stark's bastard all his life, is actually his nephew and at the same time the son of Reagar Targarien.

Brandon Stark photo

The nature and appearance of Brandon

The boy was very kind and curious. Bran was not very good at shooting arrows and fighting swords, unlike his brisk sister Arya Stark. From the very childhood he dreamed of becoming a great knight. Brandon was fond of climbing the roofs and walls of the castle, for which his mother Lady Katilin repeatedly scolded. However, like all children, he did not listen to his parents, which led him to injury.

The appearance of the boy was characteristic of twothe great houses of the north Starkov and Tally. Tally's house was the family of Katilin Stark, when she was unmarried even a lady. Brandon Stark (photo can be seen in this article) had large blue eyes and long thick brown hair, which is inherent more to the house of Tally. The boy was a well-built and smart enough young man, which helped him after the death of his father and elder brother to be the lord of the Stark house in Winterfeld.

Brandon Stark actor, name

Brandon Stark. Actor

As already mentioned above, the cycle of novels"Song of Ice and Fire" was filmed a very popular series "The Game of Thrones", which brought together famous and beloved actors. At castings of the series, the selection of artists is paid great attention, they are looked at very carefully and legibly, because the series has risen to such a height that with each season the quality level should grow. It is important to note that the creators of the project are coping with this perfectly, the film is really breathtaking.

Brandon Stark played an actor whose name is Isaac Hampstead Wright. The boy was born on April 9, 1999 in the city of London. Basics of acting skills he mastered in the youth theater Kent Canterbury.

Isaac Hampstead-Wright made his debut in the film"Psychic" when he was only 12 years old. However, he was greatly loved by the role of Brandon Stark in the series "The Game of Thrones". When Isaac passed the casting for this role, he did not even suspect how much this show would give him. Now that the "Game of Thrones" has gained tremendous popularity, fans of the cycle of books "The Song of Ice and Fire" and the series simply do not represent another image of Bran, except this unsmiling, serious young man with long chestnut hair. Indeed, each actor of the series has managed to create a unique image and convey all the depths of character book characters. The guy started work on the series in 2011, when he was 12 years old. However, in one season he did not work, because in the book, on the motives of which the series is removed, the author removed for a while the hero.

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