All the theaters of Kursk

Kursk is a Russian city, it lies about 500kilometers south of the capital. In the Middle Ages, the city was the center of the Kursk principality, today it is one of the most important cities in the country. Here there is a large industrial complex, a lot of cultural and scientific and educational facilities. The abundance of temples, cathedrals and churches allows one to name this locality one of the religious centers of Russia. In this article we will tell about the theaters of Kursk: the name, where are located, what the spectator offers.

Drama Theater named after Pushkin

puppet theater Kursk

All the theaters of Kursk are worthy of attention. Let's begin our review with the oldest in the city - the dramatic one, which was founded in the distant 1792. At its sources stood brothers Barsovs - serf actors of the landowner PI Annenkov. They impressed the master with his talent, and when the local aristocracy organized the city theater, it was the Bars brothers who were entrusted with the management of it.

Today, the Drama Theater (Kursk) is one of thethe best in the country. It is located in a modern building at: ul. Lenin, 26. On the roof of the building there is an 8-meter statue of the goddess of victory, Nicky of bronze, which symbolizes the victory of art values ​​over the impermanence of the world.

Kursk poster theater

At the same time, 1000 spectators can accommodate the Drama Theater (Kursk). The poster advertises such performances:

  • "Number 13" (comedy);
  • "Ktuba" (comedy);
  • "Oscar and the Pink Lady" (drama);
  • "Thoughts in my head" (philosophical reflections);
  • "Eight loving women" (ironic detective);
  • "The young lady-peasant woman" (comedy);
  • "Morality of Pani Dulskaya" (farce);
  • "I want to shoot movies" (melodrama);
  • "Princess on a pea" (musical fantasy for small spectators);
  • "Cinderella" (children's fairy tale) and others.

It can be listed for a very long time, since the repertoire of the Kursk Drama Theater is simply huge.

Young Spectator Theater "Rovesnik"

Drama Theater Kursk

Let's continue to talk about the theaters of Kursk. Theater for Young People in the city appeared in 1965 by the efforts of enthusiast IV Selivanov - Honored Artist of Russia. At first it was an ordinary school circle. But his productions were so successful that already in 1966 the CPSU meeting the mug was officially awarded the status of "Youth circle of acting". Its participants were high school students, students and young workers. In 1967, the talented team was awarded the title of laureate at the All-Russia show of amateur performance for the play "On the Road", and soon "Rovesnik" received a diploma of the 2nd degree at the TYUZ of the USSR.

The building of the theater is located at: ul. Perekalsky, 1. Spectators - citizens and visitors of the city - come here with pleasure to enjoy the game of talented actors. The repertoire of "Rovesnik" is solid: over the past 50 years more than 100 performances have been performed on his stage, among them:

  • "The Warsaw alarm".
  • "There was not a penny, but suddenly Altyn."
  • "Bubbles".
  • "Youth of the Fathers."
  • "They and we."
  • "Tomorrow was a war."
  • "Farewell in June."
  • "Autumn Boredom."
  • "Two arrows".
  • "Nobody will believe" and others.

Puppet Theater (Kursk)

the theaters of the Kursk

The first attempt to create a puppet theater in the city wasmade in 1935 by Georgi Steffen. By uniting the puppeteers Obozhaeva, Sakharova and Raevskaya under her own name, he staged the play "The Vor-Nahal - Man Became". After the premiere, several other performances were held, which were shown not only in Kursk, but also in nearby villages. However, the initiative was not supported, and the team disintegrated. In May 1944, a second attempt was made, which was crowned with success. Now the city has a professional Puppet Theater, which can be found at: Radishcheva Street, house 2.

Under one roof talented artists, puppeteers, musicians, technicians and other figures gathered together, whose common efforts create wonderful performances for young spectators:

  • "38 parrots."
  • "The Adventures of Kashtanchik."
  • "The Magic Lamp of Aladdin."
  • "Puss in Boots".
  • "I count to 5".
  • "Colored milk."
  • "The Golden Chicken."
  • "Fox and the Bear".
  • "Will Kolobok walk out?"
  • "Swan geese".
  • "Adventures of the New Year tree".
  • "Three snowflakes" and others.

In the 70s of the last century on the stagepuppet theater for the first time has passed performance for adults, such practice proceeds and to this day. Invites not only kids, but also spectators of the category 18+ puppet theater (Kursk). The poster advertises such performances for adults: "The King is dying", "Baban", "Gypsies", "Scenes from the Dog's Life", "Terem".

Instead of an afterword

All Kursk theaters (listed above) are distinguished by the professionalism of the actors and a rich repertoire that can satisfy even the most demanding spectator.

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