The meaning of the name: Bulgakov's "Dog Heart"

A remarkable work of a recognized outcastthe Soviet writer's shop - Mikhail Bulgakov - has such a topical significance that discussions on its subject do not cease until now. Let's try to understand and understand the meaning of the name "Dog Heart".

The meaning of the name Dog's heart

Historical reference

Immediately after writing the story in 1925 on herThe hail of accusations from critics has fallen. Authorities and writers, as one, opposed the publication, which did not slow down to reflect on the social status of the writer. The manuscripts were seized, and the general public did not even suspect the existence of this magnificent work, and only relatively recently, already in the 60s of the twentieth century, did she find not only her reader, but also the viewer, who was able to appreciate the talents as a writer , and the directors of the incorruptible manuscript. And if at first the book was distributed only in samizdat, then in 1968 it finally saw the light, and abroad, which is also very significant. The first official publication in the vastness of our country saw the story quite recently - in 1987.

The meaning of the title of the story is Dog's Heart

Attacks on the work, as, indeed, on herthe author began because of the presence of the OGPU agent at the first reading of the work. Search, seizure of manuscripts, all these are black pages of total censorship, which took place in the emerging state of workers and peasants. But back to the main message of the article. Before we look at the meaning of the title of the story "The Heart of a Dog," one should go a little deeper into the main factual material.

A bit about the plot

Professor Preobrazhensky, by the way, is inimitableperformed in the film adaptation of the remarkable actor Yevgeny Evstigneev, puts a fantastic experiment on transplanting the pituitary gland and the human sperm glands into the dog's body.

Sense of the name of the work Dog's heart

These organs were taken from the deceased in a fightdrunkards. Successful transplantation ends with amazing results for the professor himself. A dog named Sharik suddenly begins to turn into a man. And the professor's Frankenstein becomes not only a fairly intelligent human being, but also a very disgusting, insolent and shameless "comrade" trying to survive his own from his own apartment. The situation, though fantastic, but quite unambiguous hinting at the seizure of power in the Soviet Union by people from the lower classes, the proletariat, a couple of years ago, nothing of itself is not imagining, but already creeping out onto the world political arena with a cudgel at the ready.

Basic meaning

So, the meaning of the title of the story Bulgakov "Dogheart ", in all likelihood, can be uncovered in two ways. On the one hand, the body of the dog, and with it the heart, was provided with some human organs, which caused unimaginable consequences, which almost led to the catastrophe of the creator himself. It turns out a hint that the dog's heart in the human body is not only dangerous, but can lead to the self-destruction of a society consisting of such nonsmokers.

On the other hand, the meaning of the name "Dog Heart"deeply metaphorical. Recalling people without a heart, in quite a large number of people around the modern person. For them, to deceive or betray a loved one not only presents no difficulties, but what is more, often becomes the meaning of all life.

"New people

Continuing the conversation about the metaphorical nature of the story,You can even more deeply reveal the meaning of the title of the work "A Dog's Heart". The "new humanity", created by the Great October Revolution, was the terrible face of a heartless representative. It is really something created, as in the above-mentioned analogy about Frankenstein, a certain monster from a test tube, but only this whole class. The proletariat, swept into the arena of power, uncultured, peeling seeds, through the word mentioning the native mother. He suddenly began to rule a country with a huge historical and cultural heritage, which he not only completely forgot, but curses, tends to crush in himself and his environment.

The meaning of the title of the story Bulgakov's Dog's Heart

This metaphor, this crazy forecast madeBulgakov in the distant 1925, when the country just got up from its knees, barely surviving the Civil War, sounded a horrible pamphlet. That is why the censorship immediately trampled the remarkable for its strength and prediction work, the edge of consciousness feeling that it was about her, about the rabid class of plebeians, suddenly seized power over a huge and powerful country.

The forecast was justified

And how he was right! The meaning of the name "Dog Heart" Bulgakov not only penetrated into the very essence of the situation in the Soviet Union, he predicted the terrible catastrophe that broke out over the country, throwing it back culturally many centuries ago. After all, it is no longer a secret how many intellectual elite after some years Stalin and his clique in camps and sharashka have defeated.

It is the canine heart of a whole class,the ruling class of the party apparatus, caused catastrophic consequences for the whole country, for its intellectual resource. Not allowing it to become a cultural source for the whole of the modern world, but allowing to become a provoker of the iron curtain, a race of nuclear weapons and other senseless from the point of view of reasonableness, mad games of humanity.

All this continues to give us an understanding of whatthe meaning of the name "Dog Heart". The "new" humanity, formed by the ideas of collectivism, went through a destructive wave of cultural values, creating the Soviet Union as an untenable perversion of reasonable ideas about a society where justice rules. And, unfortunately, the generation of Sharikovs still continues to exist, and the idea of ​​an ideal society has remained an idea, forcing us to continue to dream about the unrealisable.


Thus, the meaning of the name "Dog Heart" lies on the surface itself. A person with such an authority should not have the right to exist on this planet. Bulgakov dreamed of such a society.

The meaning of the name Dog heart Bulgakov

He saw what is really turning intoa society where "all are equal", "from each according to their abilities" and the rest are many slogans that have no real confirmation. The society formed by the October Revolution was insolvent from the very beginning. His goal was to expose this inconsistency, and he brilliantly coped with this task.

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