Movies on real events: the list of 2014-2015, as well as Soviet and foreign films of different genres

Many people like realistic films. At the present time films are shot on real events, the list 2014-2015 will be considered in our article. The subjects are diverse, so they will not leave anyone indifferent. There are also pictures of other years, which differ no less interesting story. Therefore, everyone can find an interesting movie for themselves. This genre is suitable for family viewing, a company of friends or just those who like good movies.

In the selection of "movies on real events" (list2014-2015) included the most popular. Many spectators left positive feedback and recommendations for viewing. Therefore, if you liked the plot, be sure to look at this or that picture.


"Kandahar" - the film is based on real events fifteen years ago. Then there was a seizure of a commercial airplane. This film is made in the genre of psychological drama.


The action takes place in 1995. The Russian plane was forced to make a landing in the city of Kandahar - this is the territory of Afghanistan. Five people from the Russian plane were taken captive by the Taliban. There they were for more than one year. For this time spent together, the crew members tear off each other all the hidden grievances.

One god knows how hard they had tosurvive in a foreign land, in the forgotten city of Kandahar. How difficult it was to keep faith in yourself, if at home you already forgot about pilots. But they became real heroes, no matter what. Their torment, endurance, devotion and loyalty were manifested at the right time. Without waiting for state aid, they decided to flee. To do this is a desperate decision. After all, everywhere there are people with weapons that guard not only the terrestrial territory, but also the heavenly. But the dream to return home and become a free person is capable of giving incredible power. "Kandahar" is a film that should be watched by every conscious person. He awakens the desire for life, and also provides an opportunity to truly appreciate the difficulties.

"Night Heaven"

movies on real events list 2014 2015

The events in the film take place in 1997. In the United States of America, namely in the south-west, on the thirteenth of March this year, a UFO sight was recorded. The famous name of it is "Phoenix Lights". Thousands of citizens witnessed a unique event. The film "Night Heaven" reveals a completely similar theme and provides answers to many questions. Knowing that such a film has real grounds, more and more people want to see it. And after a long time under the impression.

The plot of the picture:

A company of five people goes to Las Vegas. To quickly reach the point, they turn to an unknown road. Soon the heroes begin to accompany strange lights in the sky. After that terrible events begin to happen to them.

«34th fast»

The film is based on the events of 1977. On February 27, a fire broke out on the train "Yunost".

Plot of the film:

High-speed train N34 with routeThe "Moscow-Elemonar" from the station was sent exactly on schedule. Passengers in the cars, not suspecting anything, rested and prepared for bed. Suddenly smoke starts from the empty compartment. From the smoldering cigarette, the curtain burned. After that, the fire from the compartment is carried to the whole car. There is not a single chance to avoid a catastrophe. But the passengers together with the railway staff were able to save people and prevent a large-scale catastrophe.

The film "34th fast" is an extremely dramatic Soviet drama. But it is still popular.



"K-19" - the film is based on real events,which occurred in the sixties. The plot describes the events associated with the first Soviet nuclear submarine. Because of the failure of the nuclear reactor, an accident occurred. It happened in 1961. Alexei Vostrikov is a submarine captain. The film reveals his courage and heroism.

night skies

Despite everything, he prepares the boat for a fastimmersion. The rest of the crew did not even know what they would have to endure in this difficult process. "K-19" is a film that makes people think about life values. Was released on the screens in 2002.

34th fast

Interesting film about the sniper

The picture is based on real events that took place in Washington in 2002. Then John Muhammad with his partner shot innocent people.


The events in the film take place in Washington. The sniper, who remained secret, chose by his victims various people who have no relation to each other. The city was panic-stricken. Everyone is terrified and does not know who will become the next victim. The case is led by Charles Mus (Sheriff). When there was a completely third murder, he had no doubt - it was the work of a maniac. Before the police is a difficult task - to catch a sniper. All law enforcers are involved in this operation. But in order to arrest a maniac, we must foresee the place of the next murder. The task seems impossible. The film "The Washington sniper: 23 days of fear" can not be watched calmly, a very difficult picture.


Many know the tragedy that occurred on May 111996. On that day, many climbers were killed, who were going to conquer the highest point of our planet - Mount Everest. These events are taken as the basis of the film.


Almost reaching the summit of Mount Everest, climbers inthe composition of the three groups collided with a snow storm. They were forced to quit everything and fight the elements in order to save themselves and save their lives. But in such a place and under similar conditions this is not easy. Insufficient oxygen and weak visibility put a person in a desperate struggle for their own lives.


What are the worth of watching movies on realevents? List 2014-2015 will continue the painting "Crossing". At the heart of the film are the events that took place in China in 1949 on a ship. In that tragedy, 1500 people died.


Events occur during the Civil War. Many are no longer able to live in such conditions and are leaving the country to Taiwan. This can only be done by ship across the Taiwan Strait. The ship "Taiping" left the Shanghai port on January 26. The next night, he faces a dry cargo ship. Passengers and crew are doomed. The catastrophe is equal to the drowned "Titanic". The tragedy took the lives of thousands of people. In the plot of the film lies the love story of three pairs. All of them are connected with a terrible catastrophe.

These films are quite interesting on real events, the list of 2014-2015 does not have similar stories.

"Open sea"

Washington sniper 23 days of fear

The picture is based on real events that occurred with a married couple in 1998 in Australia.

Plot: the film tells a story about two lovers who are fond of diving. We arrived in the Bahamas and the next day went with the group in the dive. Carried away by the underwater beauty, the couple did not notice how delayed. When they floated to the surface, they saw the boat with their group already at a great distance. Attempts to attract attention to themselves were unsuccessful. The current takes lovers to the open sea. There they were left alone. The worst that could happen is a pack of sharks that surrounded them.

interesting movies on real events list for adults

A small conclusion

Now you know how interesting the films are,based on real events. All these pictures are fascinating. We hope that you will be able to find a good movie for yourself. Certainly, that such films should be watched in the company of friends. After all, you need to discuss with someone important aspects of the film. We wish pleasant viewing!

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