School of Arts in Odintsovo: description, circles, reviews

Currently, in any civilized country,on any continent of the globe, good and conscious parents necessarily try to comprehensively develop their children. And almost from infancy!

The residents of a small Russian city, Odintsovo, are no exception.

In this article, read about developing classes, drawing, modeling, choreography, and not only in the Children's Art School "Classics".

Odintsovo arts school

About the city

Odintsovo is a relatively young city of the Russian Federation. The date of its foundation in 1957. Located in the western part of the Moscow region.

The population is 141.5 thousand people. A certain percentage of this indicator is children.

Progressive parents have given theirchildren in circles, because it is known that children in such a tender age remember very well the material (foreign languages, numbers, letters), master creative directions (children's painting, dancing, modeling).

There are several creative schools / centers in Odintsovo:

  • Children's art school "Classics".
  • Studio "Art Rise".
  • Dance club "Smile".
  • Odintsovo Children's Music School.
  • Art studio and others.


School of Art in Odintsovo "Classic" is a "templecreativity "and one of the most popular out-of-school establishments in the city, where the best teachers work, and the number of directions for the youngest and the youngest, middle and senior school age children and adults is amazing.

In this educational institution there are also artistic directions, and sports and dance clubs, and developing classes for toddlers, as well as the music and vocal department.

About all the details.

Main direction in training

Mugs of the School of Arts in Odintsovo provides young genius classes on the following creative subjects:

  1. The artistic direction has been working since 1988. Under the strict guidance of talented teachers, children study drawing, painting, learn to select colors, correctly build a composition.
    children's art school
    Currently he manages this departmentTrushnikova Elena Nikolaevna. Children and adults are happy to do at the rate of "painting", as well as children 7-8 years in the class of watercolor painting. Creative works, paintings of students of the department of art direction decorate the walls of the hall, corridors and offices of the school. And the students themselves are regular participants in competitions and exhibitions.
  2. The musical direction is represented by folk,piano, string, vocal-choral and theoretical departments. There is also a bardic song studio. Wonderful teachers are able to find an individual approach to each student, supporting and inspiring them to musical accomplishments. Children participate in various music competitions and win them, as well as continue their musical education in art and culture schools of the capital and the region.
    school of arts odtsovo reviews
  3. The choreographic department works in the school with1988, some graduates after graduation from specialized educational institutions return to their native school as teachers. The direction is represented by such kinds of dances: classical choreography, folk dances, ballet class. Dance groups from the art school in Odintsovo participate in regional, city and regional competitions, there are victories and awards.
  4. Instrumental and choral department of "Kamerton" wasIt was created in the 80s on the basis of the House of Culture. At present, traditions continue to grow, develop and renew. Here, the development of singing talent in children takes place with the help of vocal and choral art.
  5. Additional areas:
  • "Baby Land" - classes for children from 4 years (English, drawing, rhythm, motor skills);
  • "Losharik" - game lessons on the development of logical thinking and speech of the child. Is conducted by a psychologist;
  • "Kid" - classes for moms with children from 3 years old (small motor skills, didactic games, orientation in the environment);
  • "Grasshopper" is a group in which children from 3 years old are engaged (training in own body, rhythmoplasty, physical preparation).
    school of arts odtsovsko mugs


The School of Arts in Odintsovo is a very popular institution among the children of the city. Their parents are happy to share their impressions of the achievements and victories of their children.

Here are the responses about the art school in Odintsovo:

  • good and attentive attitude towards students;
  • interesting lessons, children learn with pleasure;
  • constant participation in competitions;
  • moderate charge;
  • convenient location.


There is a school of arts in Odintsovo at Mozhayskoye Highway, 147 and 149.

Working hours: from 8.00 to 20.00, in 2 shifts, daily.

Academic year: from September 1 to May 31.

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