Scary horror documentary: rating, description and reviews

As the hero of the movie "Halloween" (1978) said, everyone has the right to be scared once in a lifetime ...

Documentaries in the genre of horror

Each of us likes to tickle our nerves sometimesterrible, mystical stories. Despite the popularity of the horror genre and the regularly emerging novelties, it's not easy to choose something really worth it from a heap of frankly stupid and cheap films. Genre every year more and more obsolete, the plot is built on a template and something new and interesting in the near future is unlikely to be removed.

But documentary horror movies - this is quiteanother group of mystical stories, which, with talented directors and a good host, can be very interesting. And today we will review the most interesting and popular horror films in its genre.

horror documentary

The best documentaries

Below is a small list of the most interesting documentary films of our time in the genre of mysticism.

"Secrets of Death" (2009)

All people are born and die. What happens to the soul after death, probably, each of us once asked ourselves. The creators tried to learn the answers to these questions from those who crossed the line for a while, but returned back. Rating on Kinoiske - 7,7.

"The Devil's Bible" (2008)

This giant manuscript, weighing 75 kg,is one of the most mysterious mysteries of mankind. It contains all the knowledge of the monks of the Benedictine Order, and one of the pages contains an illustration of the unclean. It is rumored that he helped a monk-scribe to write this book for the night. Rating on the Movie Search - 6,2.

"Unsolved secrets: The most terrible places on Earth" (2007)

"A bad aura" - familiar? Each of us once felt this bad aura. The film contains the most mysterious places of the planet, which cause such subjective sensations. How justified is this feeling from the point of view of science and logic? Rating on the Movie Search - 6.

Russian documentary films about mysticism

A huge Russia is fraught with many mysteries. Documentary horror films about terrible and mystical events and places will allow you to get to know much more closely the uncharted side of this country.

mysticism horror documentary

"Mysterious Russia"

This is a series of mystical themes thatwere shown on Russian and Ukrainian channels. The film crew traveled to the most mystical corners of the vast country, interviewed eyewitnesses of events and the narrative itself was very interesting.

"The Land: The Territory of Mysteries"

The cycle consists of 80 issues, each of whichhas its own theme. The creators collected the most intriguing riddles of our planet, the answers to which were never received. However, from the abundance of versions, the issues are even more interesting to watch.

"Life after death - the revelation of ghosts"

This is a film that tells stories of people,facing ghosts. Why are they coming back? Warn, punish, frighten? With the help of eyewitness accounts, the camera crew will try to answer these questions. Such documentary horror films look in one breath.

"Secrets of Peace with Anna Chapman"

Anna raises interesting topics, selects fascinating information, sheds light on secret experiments and secret materials.

Horrors of maniacs and murderers

Maniacs and murderers who committed terriblecrimes, are found in every century. Crazy, in the brain which is interesting to look at the therapist and scary - normal person. Below are the most interesting films about fierce sadists.

"Recognition of a hired killer" (1992)

Richard Kuklinski in 1991 gave an interview, inwho told about his crimes. In a conversation between a psychotherapist and a serial maniac, who was nicknamed "Icy", one can see how distorted the killer's worldview is.

"Serial Killers: Real Hannibals Lecturers" (2001)

A horror film, the documentary events of whichshock viewers. The story will tell about the atrocities of maniacs raging in different epochs and cannibalism, which they practiced. Among the murderers discussed: Chikatilo, Jeffrey Dummer, Albert Fish.

documentaries about horror movies

"The Executioner of Dahmer" (2002)

Killer and sadist, who raped and ate corpsestheir victims. A monster that should not have been born. A few years after the trial, at which he was given 15 lifelong terms, Dahmer was beaten to death by his cellmate.

"Jack the Ripper: The First Serial Killer" (2006)

The first serial killer in history. His cruelty knew no bounds and had no equal. Many crimes have so far remained unproven. Who was he? What did he look like? It was to these questions that the directors tried to answer.

Movies based on real events

Below are films in the genre of mysticism and horror. Documentary films can not be named because they are generously flavored with director's fiction, but there is a real basis in them. And the line between reality and fiction is pretty thin.

scary horror documentary

  1. "Amityville Horror." In real history, the owners of the house claimed that otherworldly forces had settled in their house, and in the end they were forced to move.
  2. "The spell." The film is based on the story of farmers who claim to live on the land of a witch who lived in the 19th century and are threatened with death by her spirit.
  3. "The six demons of Emily Rose." The story was based on the story of a German girl, who was supposedly possessed by obsession.
  4. "Casket of curse." The history of this casket, which was sold in an online store. The owners noticed strange phenomena behind it.
  5. "Rite". The consultant of the film was a priest who passed 40-hour courses on exorcism in Rome.
  6. Ghosts in Connecticut. Initially, the house, in which the family moved, was a funeral home. The owners of the house claimed that they were not allowed to live ghosts quietly.

Each of the above-described films is considered oneof the best in its genre and has high ratings. A mark "created on real events" adds to the viewer's pleasure of viewing and, of course, fear.

horror film documentary events

Documentary horror: reviews

What do viewers think about these pictures? Documentary horror films always excite the imagination and tickle the nerves much more than fictional ones, so they are more popular. Facts, seasoned with good staging and interesting stories and guesses. Alas, the genre of a documentary film is infrequent. But all the films described in this article are worthy representatives of their genre, received positive feedback from the audience.

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