Galina Volchek - biography of the theater in one female destiny

Actress Galina Volchek, whose biography is availablein all theatrical and cinematographic directories and dictionaries published in the times of the USSR, is loved by millions of Russians and by people who are not alien to art, throughout the world.

Galina Volchek biography

If you manage with dry data, you canto state the following: Galina Borisovna is the full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland and is awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. And this is not the whole list of awards, behind which we stand the rich fate of a talented person.

Actress and director Galina Volchek repeats in many respects the biography of her parents - father, prominent figure of the Soviet cinema Volchek BI, and mother, screenwriter V. I. Maimina.

In 1933, in this famous family and was bornfuture actress Volchek Galina. Being from small years among talented and glorified people, the girl absorbed the surrounding atmosphere, read a lot and, in fact, could not help following in the footsteps of her parents.

An event in the country's theatrical life, the importance ofwhich is difficult to overestimate, was the creation in 1956 of a studio that later received the name "Contemporary". All the capital's theaters at a certain time reached their heights, but the popularity of Sovremennik is incomparable. This is primarily due to the large number of talented and original people whose thoughts and feelings are occupied by the theater. The performances became an event and were heard by everyone.

actress Volchek Galina

Among the founders of the theater are the director and actressGalina Volchek, whose biography is still connected with "Contemporary", occupied a special place. She became the 3rd chief director of the theater and heads it to this day. Under her leadership, the theater did not lose what was achieved, with honor it went through the troubled times in which the country plunged, and now it is striving for new heights.

As actress Galina Volchek, whose biographyis inextricably linked with the cinema, talented in everything. As a theatrical figure, she takes her place of honor among the most venerable directors, and any of her roles in the cinema, even the smallest, did not go unnoticed. Her work in the adaptation of "King Lear" devoted dozens of commendable articles.

The distinctions of this actress can be listeda very long time. Almost every one of her productions, beginning with the first one ("Two on the swing") and ending with the last one ("Playing the Gin"), was rewarded and had a great success with viewers and critics.

The continuer of the glorious family tradition is her son, the well-known and titled operator and director Evstigneev Denis Evgenievich.

which theater is directed by Galina Volchek
The presence of such dynasties, where each successive member of the family not only does not diminish the contribution to the culture made by the predecessors, but also enriches it, speaks about the spiritual wealth of the country.

To the unquestionable merits of Galina Borisovnaits activities in bringing together the cultures of Russia and the United States. Since the first stunning production of the "Echelon" on the stage of the Houston Theater "Alley", countries on a regular basis began to exchange theatrical productions, plays, directors and actors. In America, more and more people want to find out which theater Galina Volchek leads in her homeland, to come and see her work here.

Needless to say, the recent jubilee of G. B. Volchek became a phenomenon in the life of the country. The director, playwright, public figure Galina Volchek, whose biography is marked almost every year by some significant event, is one of those bright individuals about whom N. Nekrasov wrote the great words: "Mother nature, when such people you sometimes did not send the world has died out ...

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