Sandra Bullock: filmography. Best movies and main roles (photo)

Sandra Bullock, a popular film actress, was bornJuly 26, 1964 in the family of vocal instructor John Bullock and opera singer Helgi Meyer. The family Bullock lived in a Washington suburb of a measured life, little Sandra grew up in an atmosphere of music. The girl was always present at home rehearsals of her mother and even tried to sing along with her. Even then, parents noticed Sandra's musical abilities. A cheerful child did not sit there - games, running around the house were the way of her life.

Sandra Ballock filmography

Studying in Germany

After a while, Sandra, along with her parentsand her younger sister Gezin moved to Germany. The family settled in Furth, where Sandra was identified in an English-language school. The girl had to go through a difficult period of adaptation, it was not immediately accepted by her peers. However, Sandra's easy-going, sociable nature gradually arranged for her students, especially after she organized a support group for the school football team, and a violent sporting life began at the stadium. The girl studied well, and when after 12 years the Bullock family returned to the US, Sandra easily entered the university for a law school, where she studied for only two years.

Dreams and Reality

The profession of lawyer soon began to seem to herboring, and Sandra left the university. The girl dreamed of a career as a model, and she also wanted to become a flight attendant. The desire to work as a stewardess soon disappeared, as it turned out that she was afraid to fly on an airplane. Remained a dream about the podium, fans, a world of haute couture and sky-high fees. In order to be closer to the modeling business, Sandra moved to New York, and there she was waiting for the first disappointment. As it turned out, to become a model is not so simple, it requires an ideal figure and a memorable stylish appearance, and Sandra Bullock, whose height was only 170 cm, did not meet the requirements. With a dream to become a model had to leave, and the girl got a job as a waitress in an inexpensive restaurant.

films featuring sandra ballock

Performances in a restaurant

The natural artistry of Sandra contributed to herduties on customer service creative variety, she came up with various scenes at the dining tables, quietly sang songs on the theme of healthy eating. Since Sandra Bullock (her weight did not exceed 50 kg) was very mobile and had good vocal data, her performances looked quite organic. Regular visitors to the restaurant were delighted with singing waitresses and tried to sit down just at her table. Then Sandra Bullock decided to become an actress. She entered the actors' courses and successfully completed them. Then the future actress Sandra Bullock packed her suitcase and left for Hollywood. The long road across the country was full of impressions. There was a TV on the bus, along which Hollywood films were going, and Sandra tried every woman's role for herself. It seemed to her that she could play better.

movies with sandra ballock


The first roles of the beginning actress wereepisodic, then she played several supporting roles. For six years, since 1987, she has not had the opportunity to prove herself. And finally, in 1993, Sandra Bullock, whose filmography contained only a few low-budget paintings, played the role of a young police officer of Lenin Huxley in the film Destroyer, directed by Marco Brambilla. The plot of the picture, shot in the genre of a fantastic action movie, assumed a tough game, in which there was no room for sentimentality. Bullock, despite her natural femininity, coped with the role. She was also helped by the partnership of Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes. The film, in general, did not have much success, the box office was only about $ 60 million, but critics noted Sandra Bullock's talented play. And the performer of the main male role, Sylvester Stallone, on the question of Sandra Bullock and about whether he would like to play again with her, jokingly remarked: "I will not pull it, including the money ..." After such a compliment the actress became even more popular, and films with Sandra Bullock moviegoers were already waiting.


The next film break of Sandra Bullock was the film1994 "Speed" director Jan De Bont, where she played the role of a passenger bus, who took over the management of the car in an extremely extreme situation. The picture was for the actress her first big success, the film made a sensation, collected about $ 350 million at the box office and made Bullock a superstar. However, the sequel of the film, shot in 1997, under the name "Speed-2", failed, becoming the largest financial failure of Hollywood.

sandra ballock weight

First Prizes

However, Sandra Bullock, whose filmography has alreadywas sufficiently informative, acquired the reputation of an actress, capable of alone capturing a viewer by his game. The main role in the romantic comedy of 1995 "While you were sleeping" in the production of John Terteltaub added to the actress of popularity and brought her the Golden Globe nomination. Another 1995 film, entitled "Network" directed by Irwin Winkler, in which Bullock starred, became the best thriller on high-tech computer technology and significantly strengthened the reputation of the actress. The next film starring Sandra Bullock was the legal thriller "The Time to Kill" directed by Joel Schumacher, in which the actress played Helen Roark, a law student.


sandra balloon growth

In the late 90's Sandra Bullock, filmographywhich by that time included 26 paintings, starred in two successful films - the family drama "Glimpses of Hope" directed by Forest Whitaker and the comedy "The Power of Nature", directed by Bronwen Hughes, in which Sandra played Sarah Lewis. In addition to these successful films, two more films with the participation of Bullock - the comedy drama "28 Days" and the comedy mystic "Practical Magic" also appeared on the screen at the same time. In the first scene, Sandra played the lead role, the alcoholic Gwen Cummings, and in the second film, too, the main role, the witch Sally Owens. Despite the popularity of the actress, both films were a failure, the box office did not even pay back the money spent on the production.

Producer debut

The next truly successful work of SandraBullock became a 2000 film titled "Miss Congeniality," a comic thriller in which she performed the role of FBI's secret agent Gracie Hart. The history of the creation of this picture with a budget of 45 million dollars is three years. During this time, the project was replaced by 3 directors: first was Sam Weisman, then - Hugh Wilson, and completed the work of Donald Petri. The film, among other things, became the producer's debut actress. Rental paintings collected more than $ 200 million, and Sandra was nominated for the Golden Globe Award. After such a success, Sandra Bullock (her filmography continued to replenish) decided to open her production center

Bullock and Hugh Grant

actress sandra ballock

The year 2002 was marked by three films,released by the producer center Sandra Bullock, this is Detective "The Count of Murders" directed by Barbet Schroeder, starring Cassie Mayweather Sandra Bullock, followed by the confession film "Divine Secrets of the Sisters of the I-I", based on the novel by the same name by Rebecca Wells, Bullock, and finally, the romantic comedy "Love with a Notice" directed by Mark Lawrence, where Bullock played in a pair with Hugh Grant. The last film was a commercial success, which was expressed in the amount of $ 200 million. The films with Sandra Bullock were gaining popularity.


In 2004, the film "Collision" was released, withcomplex dramatic plot and deep psychological implication. The budget of the picture was scanty, only six and a half million dollars, but the success exceeded all expectations. Directed by Paul Haggis, he only spread his hands, trying to understand how, at such insignificant expenses, the film received three Oscar awards, and critics used the highest epithets in assessing the picture. And yet the best films with Sandra Bullock were ahead. No less successful was the 2006 film House by the Lake, directed by Alejandro Agresti, in which Sandra Bullock met again with actor Keanu Reeves, her partner in the film Speed.

Six awards by Sandra Bullock

best movies with sandra ballock

The most important work of actress Sandra Bullock in the moviewas held in 2009. It was a film about how to come to sports achievements, called "The Invisible Side" directed by John Lee Hancock. The characteristic role of Li Ann Tui's soul, Sandra played in one breath. The film became an example of humanity in the cinema, collected a huge number of positive reviews and became one of the most successful projects in Hollywood. Sandra Bullock won the 2010 Oscar and Golden Globe Awards for her role as Lee Ann Tui, as well as the Screen Actors Guild Award, the Critic's Choice Award, the People's Choice Awards and the Washington DC Area Film Critics Association Award. All six prizes were awarded to Sandra Bullock in the nomination "Best Actress".

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