Actor of theater and cinema Kirill Rubtsov: personal and creative biography

Kirill Rubtsov is a charismatic man,demanded film actor and theatrical figure. He is equally good at both negative and positive characters. Do you want to know where the actor was born? What took a great interest in childhood? You are also interested in the personal life of Kirill Rubtsov? To get all this information, you just need to read the content of the article.

Cyril Scars

Childhood and family

Rubtsov Kirill Victorovich was born in Moscow in 1975, on November 26. His mother worked for many years as a doctor in one of the capital's hospitals. But nothing is known about his father's profession.

He is not the only child in the family. Kirill has an older brother (deaf and dumb from birth) and a sister who graduated with a degree in psychology.

Parents divorced when the actor was 13 years old. Our hero for many years did not communicate with his father and sister. And only recently he managed to establish relations with relatives.

Kirill Rubtsov grew up an active child, from an early age showed creative abilities (drawing, singing, dancing). In my school years I attended the sports section and the aviation modeling circle.


After receiving the certificate, Kirill Rubtsov triedgo to theatrical high school, but failed miserably with exams. The guy did not despair. He decided to get medical education. First, a young Muscovite graduated from a specialized school. Then he became a student at the Medical Institute. After the second course, the young man was forced to pick up the documents and get an assistant to the operating room. Then the family started financial difficulties. Cyril, like a real man, decided to help his mother and his disabled brother.

To enter the theatrical high school Rubtsov neverthelessmanaged. At that time he was already 27 years old. Cyril enlisted in the VTU them. Schukin, on the course of V. Ivanov. In 2008, the long-awaited diploma was in his hands. From now on, he could call himself a professional actor.

Theatrical activity

The graduate of the famous "Pike" did not have problems withemployment. Immediately after receiving the diploma, he was accepted into the main troupe of the Theater. Vakhtangov. On the stage of this institution, Rubtsov played dozens of interesting roles. In the production of "White Acacia" he successfully got used to the image of the Sailor. And in the play "The Tsar's Hunt" he got the role of Admiral Greig.

Cyril scarring private life

In 2011, Kirill Victorovich founded his own theater, which was named "SAD". Today the troupe consists of 12 actors, among which are Laura Keosayan, Levkin Pavel and Yakimova Alena.

In 2011-2012. participated in the musical "Sounds of Music" in the Palace of Youth. Director E. Pisarev approved him for the role of Captain Georg von Trapp.

Movies and TV shows with him

Cyril Rubtsov's film debut took place in 2004. The beginning actor appeared in several episodes of the detective-criminal drama "Goddess: how I fell in love". The director of the picture is Renata Litvinova, who was satisfied with the cooperation with our hero.

In the period from 2006 to 2009, filmography Rubtsova replenished with eight ribbons. Among them one can single out a multi-episode melodrama "Margosha" (Sergei Aksyuta) and criminal detective "Hour Volkov-3" (Ogurtsov Grigory).

The first major he received in 2010. It's about the Russian comedy "Jee Factor." His screen character is Jameson.

New film works

In 2015, Kirill Rubtsov starred in the melodramatic series "Nurse". He played Mikheyev Sergei, Anna's husband.

In the same year 2015, the actor was approved for one of thekey roles (Andrei Nekrasov) in the criminal drama "Chef. New life". His colleagues on the set were Anna Tabanina, Ebedar Lebedev and Andrei Chubchenko.

Cyril scarred actor

In 2016 two screens with the participation of Cyril - musical melodrama "Bird" (Mikhail) and a mini-series "Our Happy Tomorrow" (Pereverzev Alexander) appeared on the screens.

What kind of artist will please the audience in 2017? Very soon the premiere of the historical and detective series "To be executed can not be pardoned", where he played the main role (Boris Granovsky).

Kirill Rubtsov: personal life

Our hero is a tall (186 cm) tall man with a brutal appearance. Many Russian women dream about such a chosen one. Surely they will be pleased with the information that the actor's heart is free.

Personal life of Cyril cicatrix

At one time he was credited with an affair with BegunovaAnastasia, his colleague in the shop. However, all the rumors were dispelled when, in 2008, a beautiful woman married Vasilyev Philip (the son of the legendary artist T. Vasilieva).


A real workaholic, bright and creatively giftedpersonality. And this is Cyril Rubtsov. The actor is not used to doing something half. If he performs on the stage, he tries to dissolve into his character. The same goes for shooting in a big movie.

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