Martin Lawrence: the filmography and biography of the actor

Martin Lawrence, whose filmography includesalmost 90 films, is a popular American comedic actor. He specializes in youth comedies, often with a pronounced African-American humor.

early years

The actor was born in 1965 in the Germanthe city of Frankfurt am Main. Parents named their child in honor of two great people: Martin Luther King (a fighter for black rights in the US) and US President John F. Kennedy, whose second name was Fitzgerald.

Martin Lawrence filmography

Despite the fact that Martin was born in Germany, he was a US citizen. His father was a military man, then became a police officer.

The Lawrence family has many children, Martin - the secondchild. In addition to him, five more children were growing up. When the boy was only eight years old, his parents divorced. Father practically ceased to participate in the upbringing of children. A single mother had to work on several jobs at once, so that the children would not starve. Childhood in the future comedian was very difficult.

Growing up

Before becoming an actor, Martin Lawrence attended the Art School in Maryland. In his youth he had to change several educational institutions.

In his school years, the boy was engaged in boxing and didconsiderable success. Then he purposefully began to work harder, dreaming to succeed in professional sports. But fate decreed otherwise. He was seriously injured, which excluded the possibility of further sports at a professional level.

Becoming slightly older and moving to Denver,the young man took part in the famous show on TV Star Search. Martin managed to prove himself very well in the transfer and even reach the finals, but he did not win.

Martin Lawrence films with his participation

This show gave him the opportunity to announce himself to the whole world, and Lawrence did it. Soon after, his career began to develop actively. The chance was used at 100%.


Today, there are practically no young people who would not watch at least one film with Martin Lawrence. Films with his participation are distinguished by good humor, rich storyline and excellent acting.

His first serious work in film was the picture"Do it right!", Which opened the young actor's door to the big movie. After that, Martin Lawrence, whose filmography began to actively expand, began to receive a proposal for the proposal. He managed to play in several successful blockbusters, and in 1994 he was recognized as the best comedian of the year.

Because of the rapidly growing popularity and activeflow of money, Martin began to behave defiantly, increasingly began to appear in scandalous and criminal situations. Once he was sentenced to correctional labor. With time, provocative stories with Martin's participation have become less.

In parallel, he continued to build a successfulcareer. In 1995, together with Will Smith, who was not yet a superstar, starred in a comic thriller about fellow police officers who always get into unpleasant situations. The film was a real sensation, giving rise to the dizzy career of Smith, and from Martin making a real superstar Hollywood.

Martin Lawrence: Filmography

The best years in an actor's career are the 90's. It was then that he played in the most outstanding films. Among these paintings can be attributed: the dilogy about the "Bad Guys", the film "Nothing to lose" (1997), "Diamond policeman" and "Lifetime." Both came out in 1999.

martin lawrans starring roles

Of course, these films are not the only good onesfilms in the track record of Lawrence, but exactly are some of the best. Despite the fact that the peak of the acting career has passed, in many films, where Martin Lawrence plays, the main roles go to him. First of all, this applies to comedies and fighters, where Lawrence has already established himself as a very good actor.

In his professional piggy bank there is practically nodramatic or serious roles. He always plays slightly cheeky, silly, but kind people, who by virtue of any circumstances are forced to defend themselves from opponents or fight evil. And despite the awkwardness, failure and frivolity, Martin's characters always come out victorious from difficult situations.


Martin Lawrence, whose filmography onToday has 88 projects, is one of the best comedians of our time. It can be safely put in one line with such mastodons of this genre as: Eddie Murphy, Jim Carrey, etc.

Such a huge number of comedy roles, likehe does not have practically no one. The actor himself likes to play in comedies and action movies, he believes that his characters are very similar to him. He likes their approach to problem solving and attitude to life in general.

actor martin lawrence

He does not like complicated dramatic roles, since this does not correspond to Martin's inner world.

His humorous talent, good actinggame and incredible charisma Lawrence managed to win millions of fan hearts. Numerous fans of his work are a clear confirmation of the success of Martin Lawrence and films with his participation.

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