The epic saga of Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings": books in order

There are legendary books that haveIt is an attractive atmosphere that you can re-read them endlessly. Such works include the famous series "The Lord of the Rings", books by the order of which, unfortunately, not everyone knows correctly. Fame this cycle of novels received immediately after the publication of the first volume. Today, the series has experienced a new round of popularity - after its adaptation by director Peter Jackson.

Lord of the Rings books in order

History of creation

The cycle "The Lord of the Rings", a book in order of whichwill be considered further, in fact is a continuation of Tolkien's novel The Hobbit. It was a great success, the publishers told the writer that they were ready to consider other manuscripts of the author. Emboldened by this, in 1937 Tolkien proceeded to write a new novel.

At first he wanted to tell in a book about newThe adventures of Bilbo Baggins, the protagonist of The Hobbit. But then the center of the whole plot was the Ring of All-Power and it took a new character. They became Frodo, nephew of Bilbo.

Lord of the rings, Brotherhood of the ring

As the history developed, new faces appeared: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Boromir and others.

A series of novels by Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings": books in order

Many mistakenly think that the series consists of threebooks. In fact, this is not so. Tolkien himself wrote one novel, but its volume was so great that publishers prefer to divide it into three parts. However, from time to time the novel is released in a single volume.

So, what does the epic Middle Earth cycle "Lord of the Rings" look like? Books are arranged in order in it as follows:

  1. "The Fellowship of the Ring".
  2. "Two fortresses."
  3. "Return of the Emperor."

The first part of the cycle

"Lord of the Rings: The Brotherhood of the Ring" is the only book in the series, the title of which never changes.

The first part tells about the beginning of wanderingsFrodo Baggins, who, incidentally, had to take on a heavy burden - to deliver a powerful ring that belonged hundreds of centuries ago to Sauron. He was one of the most dangerous enemies of all life in Middle-earth and planned to completely subjugate him. Uniting in the Last Alliance, the forces of elves, humans and gnomes were able to defeat the army of evil. The victory was brought by Isildur, the ruler of Gondor. He managed to cut off the sword of his father, who died in battle, by cutting off Sauron's finger, which was worn by the Ring of All-Power. The bodily shell of the latter was destroyed.

lord of the rings two fortresses

Unfortunately, the noble Isildur could not resistbefore the magic power of the ring. Instead of destroying a powerful and dangerous artifact, he kept it for himself. Two years later, on the way home, the king and his squad were attacked by orcs. Isildur perished, crossing the river, and the ring slipped from his hand. Through many centuries it was found by those who later became known as Gollum. Bilbo Baggins found the ring in the dark caves and carried it home. From him it got to Frodo.

The magician Gandalf, who had long suspected Sauron's ring in an ancient relic, arrived in the Shire, is convinced of this. He sends Frodo and his friends to the only safe place - to the elves in Rivendell.

"Lord of the Rings: Brotherhood of the Ring "- one of the best books of the epic. Here is the story of the dating of the main characters who formed the union of the nine guardians, and there is still no such gloomy atmosphere of despair that will be increasingly felt in the next parts of the cycle.

Second part of the trilogy

It is called "The Lord of the Rings: Two Fortresses". Sometimes there are other versions of the title of the book - "Two Strongholds" and "Two Towers".

This part of the trilogy is very different from the "Brotherhoodrings". If the first book about the danger looming over Middle-earth was only mentioned, after all, Shir was located far from the center of all events, but now Frodo and the other guardians were personally confronted with how evil was strengthened and how far it penetrated deep into the once quiet lands.

From the second book, the events acquire a globalscale. The brotherhood of the ring breaks up, because Frodo sees how a dangerous relic tries to take hold of the thoughts of his friends. Not wanting to put them at risk, at the end of the first part, he leaves them. Only Frodo's best friend, Sam, notices his escape and rushes after him.

Lord of the Rings books in order

The rest of the keepers take the hobbit's decision, realizing why he did it. Their path lies in the ancient forest of Fangorn, and then - in Ristania.

The final part of the series

"Lord of the Rings: Return of the Emperor "is the most powerful book of passions. Tolkien managed to create such a work, the reading of which first causes deep desperation from what is happening in it, and then pure joy for his beloved heroes.

lord of the rings

The final book of the cycle tells about thearose union of people, elves and gnomes. Like many centuries ago, they again united against the eternal evil of Middle-earth - Saruman. And the life of all living things now depends only on Hobbit Frodo and his resolve.

Sometimes there is another version of the title of the book - "The Return of the King."

The significance of Tolkien's epic saga

The series of books "The Lord of the Rings" is the mosta significant literary work in the genre of fantasy of the XX century. She was repeatedly filmed. Based on the saga was created a huge number of computer games.

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