Actress Lyubov Sokolova: filmography and personal life

Lyubov Sergeevna Sokolova is a famous Soviet and Russian actress. Awarded with many awards of Soviet film festivals, as well as military orders. He is People's Artist of the USSR.

Childhood and youth

Actress Lyubov Sokolova was born in 1921 in thethe town of Ivanovo-Voznesensk. Her father - Sergei Maksimovich - worked as a cabinetmaker, mother - Praskovia Fedorovna - was a seller, and afterwards became the director of the store.

Actress Lyubov Sokolova

From an early age, Lyubov Sergeyevna was accustomed to work. The family had a large farm: cattle, a vegetable garden. And the responsibilities for care were laid on young Luba.

From the very childhood it was clear that the girl hasa fine actor's talent. Repeatedly she arranged performances for her family and for neighbors at the age of five, dressing up in old mother's dresses.

While studying at school, Love participated endlessly in artistic amateur performances, and also attended a drama club.

The favorite pastime of the future actress was a visit to the Ivanovo Theater of Musical Comedy. She so often went to the performances, that sometimes she was allowed free of charge.

Mother Lyubov Sergeevna dreamed that the daughtergo to the conservatory, but the teacher of the school drama circle dispelled these dreams, advising the girl to enter the pedagogical. So, Lyubov Sergeevna got to Leningrad in 1940.


In the Pedagogical Institute. Herzen Lubov Sokolova acted without problems. When the study has already begun, the girl learned that the listeners are being recruited into the acting school at Lenfilm. Sokolova, without a moment's hesitation, ran to audition and made a great impression on the admissions committee after reading Nina's monologue from The Seagull.

For a year and a half Lyubov Sergeyevna combined her studies at the pedagogical institute and acting courses, and also had time to earn money at the railway station.

Almost two years after the outbreak of the war, Lyubov Sokolova found herself in Moscow. She decided to continue her studies. She was admitted to VGIK at once for the second year (the institute was in evacuation in Alma-Ata).

Sokolova's teachers were outstanding masters: Sergei Gerasimov, Olga Pyzhova, Boris Bibikov. The study was given to the girl easily, she was a constant participant of all performances. And in 1946 actress Lyubov Sokolova graduated with honors from the university. Work began in the studio theater actor, and the debut in the movie was not far off.

Actress Lyubov Sokolova during the Great Patriotic War

The war was overtaken by a girl in Leningrad. In order to somehow help her Motherland, Lyubov Sergeyevna got a job at an aviation plant. She processed parts for aircraft engines.

Her husband George Arapovsky and his mother-in-law worked forthe same factory. These were the hard days of hunger and cold, but Lyubov Sergeevna managed to survive the blockade and wait for the evacuation. From Leningrad she left without a family: her husband and mother-in-law were killed by starvation. This is one of the most terrible tragedies in the life of an actress.

The "road of life" was under constantshelling, but Sokolova and here accompanied by luck. She reached the Ladoga Lake to the evacuation point, and for a while helped the wounded. Then she was transported to Ivanovo, and from there to Moscow. After permission from the Minister of Cinematography to study at VGIK, Lyubov Sokolova moved to Kazakhstan, where she stayed until 1946.

Love of Sokolov. Actress

Work in the theater

The first theater of the actress was Theater Studioactor, in which she worked almost all her life. However, in 1951 she and several other young actors were invited to go to Germany and work in the theater of the Group of Soviet Forces. Actress Lyubov Sokolova took this decision without a doubt, because there was practically no work in Moscow, which meant that there was not enough money for living.

For five years Lyubov Sergeevna worked inPotsdam, where the base of the dramatic theater was located. The work was rather tense, the troupe had to travel constantly, touring all Soviet military units based in Germany.

Actress Lyubov Sokolova. Filmography

Lubov Sokolova is an actress who played inthe theater group of Soviet troops dozens of roles, including Polenka from "Profitable place", Shura in the play "Egor Bulychev and others," Lyubushka in "The Last" based on Maxim Gorky's play.

In 1956, Lyubov Sokolova came back toMoscow. She again began to work in the theater-actor of the actor, but was constantly involved in only one play - "For those at sea." Circumstances developed in such a way that Lyubov Sokolova became a popular actress of cinema, although she does not have many main roles on her account.

Working in a movie

Actress Lyubov Sokolova. A photo

The debut of the actress could have taken place already in 1941,in the film "Frontline Girlfriends", but she herself refused the role. After graduating from the institute, she was invited to the picture "A Tale of a Real Man", directed by Alexander Stolper. Sokolova played a small role of the Varvara Nurse there.

Before leaving for Germany, Lyubov Sergeevnaplayed in several other films, but these were episodic roles. After 1956 she appeared in the films "Two Lives", "The Ulyanovs' Family", "Quiet Flows the Don", "Walking through the Flours". On the set of the last Sokolova met her future husband Georgy Danelia.

Lubov Sokolova's film career developed rapidlypace. She was often invited to the role of mother because of a good character storehouse. She played in more than ten films by someone's mother ("Payback", "Dangerous Friends", "Melody for Two Voices"). However, the actress called her favorite film "We'll Live To Monday", where she played a woman with a hard life and the mother of an unlucky boy.

Amazing is the fact that Lyubov Sokolova is an actress of exceptionally positive characters. From the negative heroes, she simply refused, not wanting to carry the evil from the screen.

Actress Lyubov Sokolova, whose filmography includes more than three hundred and eighty roles, was brought for this achievement in the Guinness Book of Records.

Main roles

Often Love Sokolov is called an actress of episodes. But it did not offend the actress in any way, because she believed that any role is important and necessary.

Actress Lyubov Sokolova. Biography

Actually the main roles in the career of Sokolovaonly three. In the film "Mother and Stepmother" she played Praskovia Likhachev, adopted mother of the girl Nyura. In the film adaptation of The Three Sisters (based on Chekhov), she was given the role of Olga Sergeevna Prozorova. Sokolova also starred in the comedy "Autumn Morning".

Personal life

Being a student of acting courses in Leningrad,actress Lyubov Sokolova, whose personal life sometimes amazes with her tragedy, gets acquainted with the young actor Georgy Arapovsky. Young people immediately fall in love with each other and decide to get married. Unfortunately, their family life was short-lived. During the siege of Leningrad, Georgy dies of hunger.

For a long time, Lyubov Sergeyevna could not survive the bitterness of loss and did not pay attention to the courtship of men.

Years later on the set of the film "Walking through the agony," she meets a young director who begins her directorial career. George Danelia fell in love with the actress, and soon they began to live together.

In 1959, they had a son, Nikolai (at the timehis birth Sokolova was already 38 years old). Actress Lyubov Sokolova, whose biography is not as happy as it may seem, soon returned to work. Grandma helped to take care of Nicholas.

Actress Lyubov Sokolova. Personal life

Sokolova and Danelia lived together for 26 years, butthen he went to another woman. Galina Yurskaya became the new director's choice. Lubov Sokolova calmly suffered this blow of fate and moved to her cooperative apartment.

The son of these two talented people followed in the footsteps of his parents. He graduated from the directing faculty of VGIK and was expected to have a great future. Unfortunately, this prophecy was not destined to be fulfilled.

Tragedies in the life of the actress

Love Sokolova - an actress whose son couldbecome an outstanding director of his time. His short films of student time were highly appreciated by leading specialists of cinematography. But fate decreed otherwise. In the early 1980s, Nikolai became interested in Baptism, then got into a sect, became very closed. He was not stopped even by the fact that his little daughter Margarita is growing up.

Lubov Sokolova is an actress. A son

In 1985, Nikolai perishes at the unclearcircumstances. His body was found in the apartment of his father's new wife - Galina Jurasska. Sokolov's love is also experiencing this blow of fate. She continues to work hard, give concerts.

In 1994, on the way to the next performanceLyubov Sergeevna, along with her friend Maya Bulgakova, were in a terrible accident. A few days later, in the intensive care unit, Maya Grigorievna's heart stops. Sokolov's love has suffered this loss.

Actress Lyubov Sokolova, whose photo hangs on a place of honor at the State Theater actor, died in June 2001.


She was awarded medals of wartime, including "For Courage", "For the Defense of Leningrad". He is People's Artist of the USSR.

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