Max Korzh: biography of the famous Belarusian rapper

The territory of the former Soviet Union includesThere are many countries with a unique culture and traditions. In addition to the historical past, the only thing that unites all the peoples of these states is music. She has no nationality, no time and no borders. A huge number of performers and collectives glorify the Slavic nationality far beyond the borders of former Soviet countries. This includes Max Korzh, whose age recently crossed the twenty-five-year mark. In his youth, the rap singer is very popular. At the same time, he owes his success only to himself. So where Max Korzh, whose biography is so interested in the generation "next"?

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Maid in Belarus

Miniature neighbor of Russia - Belarus - alreadyreleased a popular rapper Serega, who is known not only in the CIS. The second was Max Korzh. The biography of the young ruler of rhymes and recitative began her narrative on November 21, 1988. On that autumn day in the Brest region, in the town of Luninets, a little boy was born, whom his parents called Maxim. He, like his father, is a descendant of the Hero of the Soviet Union - Vasily Korzh, who led the guerrilla movement on the territory of Belarus.

As a child Maxim showed an inexplicable craving formusic. He studied well at the Lyceum. Even better - in a music school. In his teens he was carried away by the rap direction and monitored the creative activity of popular foreign artists: Eminem, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dog, Cypress Hill and others. It was then that the young man decided to connect his future with music, seeing on the banners the name "Max Korzh". The biography developed in a completely different way. His parents insisted that the young man choose a worthy profession, explaining his desire by the fact that "... music for bread does not work."

from where Max Korzh biography

Prestige or dream?

In order to prove to my mother and father that prestige- it's very easy, Maxim entered the steep faculty of international relations at the best Minsk University - BSU. However, after studying for two years, the young man realized that the arrangement of priorities was wrong and again succumbed to musical passion. He records his debut track "Heaven will help us." As soon as the opportunity arose, the young man left the university and joined the army.

It is thanks to this compositionthe Internet community recognized the artist's name - Max Korzh. Biography of a young man on his return from the army abruptly changed priorities: he became a star. His song was played on several radio stations. He was known not only in Belarus, but also in Russia.

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Debut album and personal life

In 2011, the singer ends the university, butfurther future sees only in music. A year later, the album "Animal World" comes on the radio, the author and performer of which from "A" to "I" is Max Korzh. The biography of the artist in the same year is supplemented by events in his personal life: he marries. His chosen one is a girl who supported Maxim for four years - Tatyana Matskevich. After a while, the couple has a beautiful baby Emilia.

In 2013, the second album of the artistthe title "To live in high". Even before the release of the second disc, Maxim, on a full program, toured the countries of the near abroad. His concert in Minsk brought unprecedented success - the hall was completely occupied by fans and fans. Currently, the author and performer already has several awards. One of them he received in Belarus, and the second - in Russia, from the channel "Muz TV".

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