Kirill Safonov - husband of Sasha Savelyeva

Russian actor Kirill Safonov was born in 1973year in a small village called Ermakovskoe, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. When the boy was twelve, his parents divorced. Mother alone raised three children. Cyril has two older sisters. Safonov's school years passed in Lviv. In the early nineties the family moved to Krasnoyarsk.

Acting path

Kirill Safonov set foot on the creative path in 1993. He became a student of the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts. After the first course he transferred to the capital GITIS.

Sasha Savelieva's husband

The future husband of Sasha Savelyeva, according to testimoniesclassmates, always distinguished by obstinacy. Breaking the dress rehearsal of the graduation performance, Cyril left the stage and left. It was because of his willfulness that he was expelled from the institute in 1997.

Difficult period

Now Kirill Safonov is the husband of Sasha Savelyeva,successful and popular actor. However, this was not always the case. Despite the fact that Cyril did not become a certified actor, he settled in the theater. Stanislavsky. The actor was involved in such performances as "The Taming of the Shrew" and "Twelfth Night".

At that time Cyril already had a family. He had to work hard to feed his first wife Elena and their daughter Nastya. The actor fell asleep at rehearsals and, worst of all, one day fell into a dream behind the wheel. Fortunately, there was no tragedy. It is the case on the road, as Cyril asserts, made him reconsider his attitude to life. In addition to all the constant need has become a cause of disagreement in the family.

In 1999, Cyril received an offer to play in theIsraeli theater "Gesher". The actor gladly agreed, because he believed that improving the financial situation will help to establish relations with his wife. In Jaffa, Safonov worked until 2001. At this time, he and his wife were already on the verge of divorce.

Life is getting better

In 2006, the future husband of Sasha Savelyeva arrivedat the Moscow Film Festival. He represented the Israeli picture "The Half-Russian Story". The work of the actor was well received by critics. This was the triumph of Cyril. He was ready to stay in the capital if he was offered work. This time, luck did not turn away from Safonov. He received the main role in the TV series "Tatyanin Day".

Sasha's husband Savely's Cyril
Thanks to this work the future husband of Sasha Savelyevahas gained unprecedented popularity in Russia. Now he was described as an actor with a capital letter. Cyril literally fell the offers to take part in various projects. So, over the next three years he starred in such films as "Two in the Rain", "My Last Blues", "Chasing the Shadow", "Zhurov" and "Crisis of Faith".

Long-awaited love

Cyril for a long time could not recover from the divorce fromElena. Until 2009, he was alone. And finally Safonov met his fate. It happened in a nightclub. It is noteworthy that Sasha and Kirill are not regulars of such institutions. They both ended up in the club thanks to the persuasions of friends. The first acquaintance did not leave vivid impressions. The young people exchanged a couple of words and seemed to forget about the existence of each other. However, the next day Cyril found himself thinking that he was always thinking about Sasha. Through mutual acquaintances he managed to get the girl's phone number. Soon they began a novel.

Savely Sasha's husband photo

Currently, Cyril - a happy husbandSavelyeva Sasha. Photos of lovers adorn many glossy magazines. However, at first the couple hid their relations from strangers. Most of all, Safonov feared that his daughter would take his stepmother hostile. Fortunately, quarrels on this soil were avoided. Anastasia and Alexander made friends.

Since April 17, 2010, Sasha's legal husbandSavelyeva - Cyril Safonov. The solemn event passed under the stamp of the strictest secrecy. As later explained in love, they did not want to share this holiday with anyone.

Already a year the rumors about the collapse of the pair are not confirmed. Cyril and Sasha are happy together.

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