Karisme Carpenter: filmography, biography, personal life

Karisme Carpenter is an American actress,which was filmed in many famous TV series. Among them: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Veronica Mars", "Rescuers Malibu", "Charmed" and many others. The actress was nominated several times for the "Saturn" award for the role of Cordelia Chase in the fantastic television series "Angel". The filmography of actress Karisma Carpenter is not limited to series. She played in the first and second parts of the "Expendables", as well as in many television films, which was remembered by the viewer.


Karisme Carpenter was born in Las Vegas in 1970year. The parents of the future actress had nothing to do with the movie: her mother, Christine, worked as an ornithologist, and her father, Don Carpenter - as a sales agent. Besides Karizma, there were two other children in the family.

Carismo Carpenter movies

When the girl was 15 years old, she moved with her familyfirst in Rosarito (Mexico), then - in San Diego (California). There she graduated from high school. After this, Karizma for a while traveled to Europe. Back in San Diego, the future actress changed several jobs. She worked for a while in the video salon, after that she worked as an aerobics instructor. In 1992, the girl decided to try herself as an actress and moved to Los Angeles.

The beginning of the acting career

Carpenter Carpenter did not immediately manage to get a role in the movie. For about two years, she starred in commercials, took part in theatrical productions.

Karisme Carpenter filmography

The first role in the movie for Karisma Carpenter wasthe role of Wendy Sanders in the television series "Rescuers Malibu." A year later, in 1995, the actress played in one of the episodes of the drama series "A Guy Knows the World". Her first major role in Karizma was in the youth series "Shores of Malibu." But he only had 10 episodes and did not win much popularity in the US. The real success was yet to come.

First success

In 1997, Karizma received a role in the television series"Buffy the vampire slayer." Then no one had any idea how popular this project would become. Karizma played Cordelia Chase - a beautiful and popular schoolgirl, a little arrogant. She often scoffs at less popular classmates, especially over Buffy and Willow. However, over time, her attitude to the main character changes, afterwards she even helps her to fight the vampires.

Karisme Carpenter

The series received good reviews from viewers, won several "Saturn" awards, was nominated for the Golden Globe and, obviously, became a breakthrough in the career of young actress Karisma Carpenter.

After "Buffy"

The series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"allowed to reveal the actor's talent of Karizma. After playing the role of Cordelia Chase, her career went uphill. The actress played in the television series "Enchanted", then received a major role in the series "Angel" - the continuation of the history of Buffy Summers. She played Cordelia Chase until 2004, until the close of the series. It was for this role that Carpenter Carpenter was nominated for the "Saturn" award four times. However, the girl never got a figurine.

Karisme Carpenter became the owner of the rolesecond plan in another successful TV series - Veronica Mars. For the first time the actress appears in the second season of the project and performs the role of Kendall. Karizma also starred in the seventh season of the television series "Supernatural", fervently loved by all fans of horror and mysticism.

Filmography of the actress Karisma Carpenter

In the youth television series "Playing the lie", which was released in 2011, the actress played a leading role - the role of Rebecca Sevel. Karisme Carpenter can also be seen in one of the episodes of the criminal series "Sons of Anarchy".

Full-length film

TV shows are not the only thing that they devote themselves toCarisme Carpenter. The filmography of this actress has about twenty full-length films. The most famous of them are insurgents "The Expendables" and "The Expendables -2". Karizma also starred in the thrillers "Sisterly Hatred", "Psychosis", "Place of crash." The last film at the moment with her participation is the horror "Girl in the Forest". In 2017, the actress planned to shoot several feature films.

After participating in the TV projects "Buffy -Vampire Slayer "and" Veronica Mars ", many novice actors became famous, including Karisme Carpenter.The films and series with her participation are very popular mainly among teenagers and young spectators, horror and thriller fans.

Personal life

In 2002, Karizma married Damien Hardy. In March next year, she gave birth to a son, Donovan Charles Hardy. This marriage lasted 6 years. Since the end of 2007, the couple lived separately, officially divorced in 2008. Karisme Carpenter has repeatedly appeared on the lists of the most beautiful women in the world. Despite this, the actress said that she does not consider herself a sex symbol.

carisma carpenter

In 2004, Karizma starred for the magazine Playboy,as many celebrities do. In her interview, she said about this, that she again wanted to feel desirable and sexual after the birth of the child.

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