Lev Prozorov - biography and creativity

Today we will tell you who is Prozorov LeoRudolfovich. The author's books, as well as his biography will be examined below. It is a Russian writer, publicist and author of a number of books devoted to the theme of Ancient Rus.


lion of prose
Lev Prozorov was born in Izhevsk in 1972, 29May. He studied at the Faculty of History of the Udmurt University. He graduated from graduate school. He lives in the Samara region, Novokuibyshevsk. During the graduate school in Izhevsk, the court was found guilty of "inciting ethnic hatred", according to article 282. The reason was the distribution of the newspaper under the name "Russian view". He was amnestied right away. At the same time, "active repentance" was taken into account, which influenced the measure of restraint.


lion of views all books
Prozorov Lev Rudolfovich considers himselfNational Socialist on views on politics and "relatives" on the religion ("Slavic neopagan"). According to him, the key was the meeting with Dobroslav. It was she who determined the political worldview of the writer. Veles is the most revered deity of the author. From the figures of history, the author gives undeniable preference to Svyatoslav Igorevich, the prince. He calls himself an ardent antinormanist. Defends the clan organization of society. He believes that the future is for families that are closely related in their own circle.


prozorov lion rudolfovich
Lev Prozorov is constantly criticized fora free interpretation of events from the history of Ancient Rus, which he needed to uphold his own pagan worldview. There are many reviews of books by this author, conducted by professional scientists. According to historian Vadim Dolgov, the selection of facts made by Lev Prozorov in order to prove the theory of the caste system of the Old Russian state is tendentious, and various annalistic data on social mobility are completely ignored. The author is also criticized in the book "10 Myths of Ancient Rus" by Mikhail Eliseev and Vladimir Filippov. Free distortions of historical events in favor of the theory of paganism caused disapproval of religious figures. Job, who is a hieromonk and candidate of philosophical sciences, created a detailed analysis of the writer's myth.

Interesting Facts

Lev Prozorov - prototype of episodic charactersin fantastic literature. He is mentioned under the real name in the pages of Andrei Valentinov's novel called "Tsar-Kosmos". It is also mentioned in AV Maksimushkin. In the novel "Riona" the writer is represented as Ozar Ratiborovich Prozorov. He is criticized by some folk histories. VA Chudinov - the author of historical and philological non-academic studies, the concept of Pentax expressed by Prozorov, considers erroneous. According to the critic, the writer hastened to call the sanctuary sculptures, which are arranged in disorder.

It is interesting that Prozorov in 2012 very critical of the film "Rurik" MN Zadornov. However, in 2015 the writer changed his own views. He gave a very large-scale interview in a new film by M. Zadornov, which is devoted to the Prophetic Oleg. However, just a few days after the premiere of the film, Lev Prozorov on his own page in the social network spoke negatively about the content and quality of the tape.

There are also works that are basedon the work of the writer. These include "The Tale of Prince Igor." It's about an amateur cartoon that was published on the Internet in 2011. We should also mention the ballad of the band GjeldRune - "Kolovrat", based on the writer's novel. The work appeared on the Internet in 2012. Let us also mention a graphic novel on the story of the writer - "The ax of the old Torir". There is also a short film "Only the body". It is based on the author of the same name. The premiere took place in 2015 in one of the anti-cafe of the city of Moscow. Poems of the writer "The Ballad of King Radbot" and "The Last of Lionasse" are supplemented by the music of guslar lovers.


prozorov lion rudolfovich books
Now you know who Lev Prozorov is. We will list all books further. In 2006, the work "Svyatoslav. Rod and Motherland. " In the same year, the book "Pagans of Baptized Rus" was published. Following it, the work "Gods and castes" was published. The next was the book "The Caucasian Frontier". Then comes the work "The Times of the Russian Knights". In 2009, the book "Eupatius Kolovrat" is published. In 2010 the work "Varjazh Rus" is published. Next comes the story of "Crixus". In 2013, the book "Mecheslav" is published. Following it comes the work "Glory to Perun!". In fact, it is a pagan militant. The narrative speaks of how the Slavic tribes, which were united under the banner of Svyatoslav, drop the Khazar yoke. The Russian army, which fenced the Wild Field with shields, opposed the countless hordes. So we talked about who is Lev Prozorov. All the author's books are listed above.

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