The poem "Threshold" of Turgenev: summary, analysis

The poem "Threshold" of Turgenev is considered onefrom the most unique and unusual works of the writer. The author's lyrics are generally diverse in terms of themes. However, this work is also distinguished by its unique form.

"Threshold" of Turgenev: description

This poem in prose was written in 1883year. The plot was based on a story from life. Turgenev was impressed by Vera Zasulich, participant in the revolutionary movement, which three times shot at the mayor Trepov as a token of protest and was able to seriously wound him. The woman was outraged by the order of the mayor to carve a revolutionary populist. Zasulich came to see Trepov at the reception and shot him at witnesses. At the trial, the woman was acquitted, and the case itself was widely publicized.

threshold of Turgenev

The writer managed to masterfully embody reality in a poetic form and deduce a philosophical meaning, consisting in revolutionary self-denial and sacrifice.


The poem "Threshold" of Turgenev begins withthe phrase "I see a huge building." That is, the main character observes what is happening from the side. In this building, a door with a high threshold, in front of which there is a "Russian girl", is wide open. Behind this door is an impenetrable darkness that "breathes frost." A deaf and slow voice comes from the depths of the building.

This voice asks the girl,whether she really wants to cross the threshold and whether she knows what awaits her. In response, the heroine responds: "I know." Nevertheless, the voice continues to warn: "Hunger, cold ... ridicule ... prison ... and death itself." And the girl responds to this: "I know." The heroine expresses her readiness to take down all the blows, suffering and adversity.

threshold of Turgenev analysis

The "threshold" of Turgenev is designed to show courage andthe dedication of the revolutionary girl. Therefore, she continues to be persuaded to leave an unknown voice, because persecution will be not only from enemies, but also from friends. The heroine already knows about this and is ready for anything. But is she ready for an unnamed victim? To the fact that no one remembered about her death? But do not need the girl regrets and thanks, because even on behalf of her, she is ready to renounce.

The voice was silent and asked again if he knewshe, that she herself can be disappointed in her ideals and lose faith in the correctness of the choice. But the heroine responds to this: "I know." Then the voice says: "Come in." And now she crosses the threshold. Then she heard: "Dura!" And then another voice says: "Holy."

"Threshold" of Turgenev: analysis

Contemporaries of the writer approached the analysisworks only from the point of view of the description of the feat of a woman revolutionary. But modern literary criticism has other views on this work. They pay special attention to the problem of choice, which the heroine faces, to the conflict between idealists and ordinary people.

threshold of Turgenev description

In this case, Turgenev himself does not undertake to evaluate the choiceheroine, giving the reader a choice. Not for nothing in the end there are two evaluations of her actions - "holy" and "fool". This is because the writer's main task was to show the complexity of the choice and the inner strength of the heroine.

Thus, Turgenev's "Threshold" is a poem, rather, about the inner struggle of man, and not about revolution and revolutionaries.

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