Actress Olga Kolosova: biography, personal life. Top Movies

The series "Track", which was published in 2007,acquainted viewers with such a wonderful actress as Olga Kolosova. The girl and before his release was actively filmed in serials and movies, but she was particularly popular with the bright and unusual image of Colonel Galina Rogozina. What details are known to journalists about the biography and personal life of a celebrity, her roles?

Olga Kolosova: childhood

The actress is a native Muscovite, appearedto light in 1970. Olga Kolosova is not the only child of her parents. She has a twin sister, with whom she, however, has little contact. Recalling her childhood, the actress describes herself as a shy girl who did not like to perform before the public. Koposova struggled with her problem with the help of singing, which was one of her main hobbies. Those who were already in school celebrated her artistic abilities.

olga kolosova

Touched Olga Kolosova and to the sport. Her passion was playing basketball, she gave her a lot of time. However, the girl never had the intention to become a professional athlete. She initially thought about the acting career, but the stepfather, who is the representative of this profession, dissuaded her from entering the relevant institution. He persuaded Olga that she would not succeed in the field of cinema, without the necessary connections.

Youth years

The first minor role in the movie went toto the girl already in 18 years. She starred in the episode of the melodrama "I'm in perfect order" by chance, having received an invitation to casting at my graduation party. Olga Kolosova made an attempt to become a student of the school named after Shchukin, but the undertaking was not crowned with success. But she managed to get to the music school. According to Olga, the lack of acting will somewhat interfere with her in later life.

olga kolosova actress

Hobbies - this is how for more than 10 years has beenfilming in the movie Olga Kolosova. The actress did not give up the roles offered to her during this period, but they were not remembered by the public and critics, did not bring fame. Episodes with her participation can be seen in more than 15 films and serials. For example, she starred in the telenovela "Happy Together", Next, "School of Survival". Also, the actress periodically agreed to shoot in commercials. This continued until the release of the series "Next".

Starring role

It is interesting that Galina Rogozina is not at all the sameThe character who in the series "Next", released in 2007, planned to play Olga Kolosova. The actress was auditioned for the role of pathologist Antonova. However, the creators of the series decided that she would perfectly cope with the image of an intelligent, purposeful, strict and at the same time charming woman. Olga herself calls this role a real gift made by fate.

olga kolosova personal life

It is interesting that Galina's role turned toa rising star a kind of diet. Filming took place at a crazy pace, resulting in the actress said goodbye to about 10 kg in the first months, especially without limiting herself to eating. She even had to gain a little weight in order to cope with such a problem as sagging skin.

Who is Galina Rogozina

Colonel Galina Rogozina - the role that gaveactress long-awaited glory. Olga Kolosova, whose biography does not overlap with the fate of this character, perfectly got used to the role. The heroine turned 40 years old, she is a police colonel, has a doctorate. The woman has an attractive appearance, does not hesitate to use self-defense techniques if necessary, to take a pistol in her hands.

olga kolosova biography

The character of Olga Koposova, like the actress herself,can not be called successful in his personal life. A short marriage ended in parting. Rogozina has no children, she gives all her powers to the FES, where she works literally from the moment of the formation of the service, she independently formed a staff of literate specialists. Galina supervises chemical and biological research, and willingly takes on more complex tasks. Accuracy, punctuality, diligence, hatred for hackwork are the distinguishing features of the main character.

Personal life

Vladlen Gorelik was a spouse for over 10 yearsactress, marriage took place in 1997. Unlike Galina Rogozina, Olga has a son who was called Gleb. The boy was born in 1999. Becoming a mother, the actress for about 8 years gave her work a minimum of time, preferring to enjoy motherhood and engage in household chores.

Problems with her husband have worsened afterKolosova got a role in the telenovela "Trail". She herself describes the reasons for her divorce as banal. The couple moved away from each other, her husband had another woman. Finally, the situation was worsened by the busyness of the actress on the set. The pair broke up in 2008.

Journalists do not know who Olga Kolosova is currently meeting. Personal life is not for her a taboo subject for conversation, most likely, the actress is just now free from the relationship.

Fans can also see the star in the comedy "Rendezvous", released in 2012, where she played the wife of Moloch. There is no information about the new roles of Koposovoy.

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