Actress Daria Luzina: biography, creative path, work in the cinema

As a child, almost all the girls dream of becomingactresses and singers, but not all of them embody their dream in life. Dasha Luzina did it: she became a demanded actress of theater and cinema. Now the filmography of Daria Luzina includes a large number of films and serials. In addition, she successfully performs on the theatrical stage. Darya does not intend to stop at the reached, confident steps go up the ladder of glory.

Daria Luzina: childhood and student years

In 1984, in April, on the 24th, in the military familywas born a little pretty girl, who was named Dasha. Fortunately, there was no limit to the parents. First, the family lived in the city of Sverdlovsk, then moved to Moscow. So Luzina Darya Sergeevna became a Muscovite. In the capital, it was much easier to realize the dream of becoming an actress.

darja lozina

As mentioned before, Dasha dreamed of her childhoodabout the acting career, her parents supported her daughter and how they could help her achieve this goal. In the fact that she will succeed, no one doubted. The girl stood out among her classmates with her artistry. Already with junior classes Dasha is removed for magazines. Model business took in her world a little girl.

But to become a professional model of Daria is notwas going to, her plans for the future were inextricably linked to acting. Therefore, barely waiting for her sixteenth birthday, the girl submits the documents to VGIK. The admissions committee saw an actor's talent in a beautiful applicant, and Dasha from the first time was admitted to the course of Vsevolod Shilovsky. So the way to the theater and cinema of actress Daria Luzina began, the first step was made.

Theatrical works by Daria Luzina

VGIK was left behind, in 2003, Daria Luzinareceived a diploma. The graduation work was the performance of her teacher Vsevolod Shilovsky "Stars in the morning sky". The student played the main role in it - Valentina.

Thesis work was a novice actressgood service: in the role of Valentina Daria, the head of the theater "World of Art" V. M. Kravtsov noted. Evaluating the talent of the VGIK graduate, he offered her work in her theater, immediately giving a few interesting roles in the productions. Luzin wanted more. Rehearsing in a single theater, she decided to try her hand at another. Dasha went to the Moscow Drama Theater. The decision was right: she was accepted and immediately gave the role of Cinderella, which could not be better suited to an elegant beautiful girl. After the debut work at Luzina in this theater there were many more beautiful roles:

  • "The teacher of rhythm" - Anna;
  • "The Heart of a Dog" - Zinochka;
  • "Children of Vanyushin" - Lyudmila;
  • "Lights" - the princess;
  • "Restless spirit" - Edith.

This is only part of the list of theatrical works of a talented actress. The theatrical stage became a home for the girl, but she wanted more, she was attracted to the world of cinema.

The role of serials in the life of an actress

Fate presents an actress with a gift - a role inTV series "Poor Nastya". This melodrama was the beginning of her career in cinema. In the project she played the role of Princess Olga. The girl looked great in beautiful dresses of that time and was noticed by spectators.

lusine dar'ya actress

This was her first work of this magnitude, behind herfollowed by a whole series of no less interesting proposals. For example, the role of Maryana in the popular series "Do not be born beautiful." But especially important for Luzina was the role of Veronika Samokhina in the series "Students." The actress looked very impressive, playing a beautiful student from a rich family.

Luzin Daria is a movie actress

The series did their job: actress was regularly invited to shoot. In 2006, Daria Luzina played a very interesting role in the historical series "Stalin: Live." She happened to portray Tselikovskaya on the screen. In the same year, she starred in the comedy film "On Love and Other Troubles." In the four-part picture she got the role of Masha.

But Fortune - "lady" fastidious. After a rapid rise in the film career of the actress, there has come a lull. For four years, she played several minor, not very prominent roles.

2011 brought back Daria popularity: Mikhail Mammadov invited her to the main role in her historical film "Furious, fierce, rabid". In the film, the actress played Olga. This work has become a kind of push to achieve the pinnacle of glory. Daria Luzina began starring in popular roles in popular projects:

  • "The method of Lavrovoy" - journalist Alexander Vostryakov;
  • "Podstava" - Zoe;
  • "Emergency situation" - Ksenia Guvakova.

filmography of Daria Lusine

All the works will not be listed, I want to notestill melodrama "Two Moments of Love", which was released in 2013. Luzin played the main role in this film. Her heroine Katya Kruglova is a kind, modest lab assistant. She has a doctor's degree, but it so happens that she has to be satisfied with the position of a laboratory assistant. Valery Devyatilov at the casting immediately determined that the role of Katya best suited Daria. She fully justified the trust and coped with this role perfectly.

Now, in the work of Daria Luzina, there is no lull. She plays on the stage of the theater and is actively acting in films. The dream of a little sweet girl came true: she became a famous actress of theater and cinema.

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