Chronological table Nekrasova NA: life and creativity

The name of the Russian poet Nekrasov NA known to everyone. Some fell in love with his children's works "Grandfather Mazai and hares" or "Peasant children." Others for memory come poems "Frost, Red Nose", "Who in Russia live well." In the third, this name is associated with the defender of the peasants and all the oppressed.

chronological table

Uneasy way, done by the poet in life andliterature, will help to provide a chronological table. Nekrasov never frightened the difficulties, and no circumstances shook his confidence that the Russian people are worthy of respect and reverence.

Origin and childhood

The poet was a nobleman: his father, a stern and despotic man, had an estate in the Yaroslavl province. In Greshnev, Nikolai lived from the age of three (the years of Nekrasov's life, NA - 1821-1877) before entering the gymnasium. This time left a heavy mark on the boy's soul, he often witnessed the father's cruel attitude towards serfs, his submissive wife, and his own children. Also forever remembered the Vladimir road, along which people from different estates were traveling or traveling somewhere, and the great Russian Volga river - here he first heard the song of the burlaks.

The period of life associated with studies reflects a chronological table.

Nekrasov from an early age is distinguished by his readiness to defend his views. The first difficulties, destined for fate, he had to overcome already in adolescence.


Enters the gymnasium in Yaroslavl

Left after grade 5. During these years he did not show much diligence in his studies, although he was distinguished by his beautiful memory and his mind. The main reason - did not get on with the superiors of the gymnasium, which did not suit his poems satirical orientation. By 1836 they had accumulated a whole notebook.


Leaves the gymnasium

The lack of interest in studying could lead to the failure of examinations. In addition, his father did not want to pay any further for the education of his sons.

Life in Petersburg: a chronological table

Nekrasov At first, hunger and poverty waited in the capital. But the desire to learn and engage in literary creativity was stronger. Nikolai Alekseevich went through a difficult path from rejecting critics of the first collection to the editor of the most popular magazines and the country's famous poet.


Comes to Petersburg

Father, a former officer, insisted on enteringnoble regiment. But the young Nekrasov chooses his own way, as a result of which he loses all support from home. About 3 years he earns his living and listens to lectures at the university. However, his dream of graduating did not materialize due to lack of funds.


Acquaintance with V. Belinsky

This meeting will largely determine the fate of the futureN. Nekrasov and bring him closer to the revolutionary democrats. Communication with the critic replaced the beginning poet university. In addition, Belinsky introduced him to the literary circles.


Leases Contemporary

Together with I. Panayev decided to take up the publication of the journal created by A. Pushkin. Very soon, all the progressively minded minds of Petersburg will begin to flow here. Until the closure of "Contemporary" in 1866 is his editor.


Civil marriage with A. Panayeva

Avdotya Yakovlevna NA Nekrasov devoted the best poems of love lyrics. But they were also like-minded people and associates.


Coming up a Whistle

This was an annex to the Contemporary. The idea belonged entirely to N. Nekrasov, but the publication was more or less dealt with by N. Dobrolyubov.


Becomes the owner of the estate

The estate of Karabikh was in Yaroslavl province. Here he came to rest, enjoy nature, hunt. And, of course, it was written here in a different way.


Comes to the "Notes of the Fatherland"

Until the end of his life, together with M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, is engaged in the publication of a journal that practically replaced Sovremennik.


Acquaintance with Fekla (Nekrasov called her Zina) Victorova, future wife

The girl at that time was not even 21 years old, but it was she who spent the last years of his life with Nikolai Alekseyevich. And eight months before the death of the poet they were married.


Onset of disease

Doctors put N. Nekrasov a diagnosis - cancer of the rectum. No treatment for the poet does not help.



Buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

The beginning of literary activity

As the chronological table shows, Nekrasova always distinguished her craving for creativity (note at least the moment that he was the editor of the journals from 1846 to 1877).

A significant role in shaping the future poetElena Andreevna played, his mother. She dreamed of seeing her son as an educated person, and in every possible way encouraged her passion for poetry. Nikolai Alexeyevich read a lot while studying at the gymnasium.

of nonsenses

Arriving in St. Petersburg, Nekrasov managed to publishseveral of his poems. But they were printed in small magazines, and they paid very little for them. And published in 1840, the collection "Dreams and Sounds" of fame and fame did not bring. Trying to survive in a strange city, Nekrasov wrote in various genres. About his early work, he then spoke rather harshly.

The first success came in 1845 with the poem "On the Road".

years of life are not beautiful

Chronological table Nekrasov: briefly about the best works


"On the road". Belinsky, who defeated the first collection, is ecstatic


"Yesterday ..." - printed after the death of the poet


"The Last Elegies" - a cycle of poems


Collection of 4 sections "Poems of N. Nekrasov", opened with the work "Poet and Citizen", included the poem "Sasha". The success was enormous, but at the same time the persecution of censorship intensified


"Reflections at the front door"


"The Chapters"


"In full swing ...", "Green noise", "Knight for an hour"


"Frost, Red Nose", "Dobrolubov's Memory", "Orina, Soldier's Mother"




"Who lives well in Russia" - part 1 (full text - in 1868)


"Songs about a free word" - a cycle of satire


"Grandfather" - a poem about the Decembrists


"Russian women"


NA Nekrasov is preparing a book of death poems "The Last Songs"

The Importance of NA Nekrasov's Creativity

In his works the poet not only developedthe best literary traditions that were formed at the beginning of the century, but also significantly expanded the possibilities of Russian poetry. Reliance on folklore, active appeal to the life of the people, epic narrative, close to colloquial vocabulary - these are the distinctive features of poems and poems by Nikolai Alekseevich, which, of course, can not contain a brief chronological table.

chronological table

Nekrasov always distinguished devotion to interestsRussia and its people, which was noted in his statement by A. Lunacharsky: "... there is not in Russian literature ... such a person before whom, with love and reverence, they would bow lower than before the memory of Nekrasov!"

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