"Desert rat" - an anime created on the basis ofthe popular post-apocalyptic comedy manga Usunet Masatoshi - "DesertPunk". The ideal balance of serious and funny scenes, rudeness and black humor, vulgarity and violence are all "Desert rat". This anime overturns the familiar idea of a hero who saves the world.
The protagonist is Sunabodzu - a bounty hunter,"Demon of the desert," capable of winning in battle, even when all the circumstances are against him. He lives in a post-apocalyptic world in which Japan was turned into a vast desert. It is a cemetery of a prosperous civilization, destroyed after a nuclear catastrophe. People who are trying to survive in the vastness of the great desert are participating in a real struggle for survival. Life in small settlements is fraught with the danger of marauders or mercenaries attacking. The only law in force in this world is who is stronger, who is right. That's with such icky realities begins "Desert rat."
However, Sunabodzu, the protagonist of the anime "Desertrat ", has the ability to live in peace under such conditions. He is a well-trained mercenary, a professional in his field, capable of performing almost any task. He hides his face under a mask and a broad-brimmed hat. Unique abilities, modernized weapons, the ability to disguise make him almost invincible in combat. Sunabodzu is a professional killer who takes huge sums of money for saving people. The hero is judged by those who cross his client's way. Throughout the desert there are rumors of his incredible feats and skill.
In the anime "Desert rat" among the audience there isenough opponents, whose opinion is very categorical! They unanimously repeat: the essence is that in this anime there is no essence, except for undermining the moral and ethical foundations of the creature watching. After all, about what the creators want to tell - whether about a post-apocalyptic world, or a sex-worried mercenary - it's extremely difficult to understand. Money, ammunition and big-chested beauties are the main values of the main characters. What is one screen saver cartoon? In the desert there is some invisible man, more precisely, clothes are coming, but nobody is inside. And then they show how the hat, like a wheel, rolls gaily on the barkhans. At the same time, there is still such a bouncy music a la Teenager Britpop.
Critics criticize, but the protagonist continuesa triumphal procession through the movie screens. Throughout the journey, the protagonist will meet new friends, make enemies, acquire a loyal student and will be at the very center of political strife. He is waiting for fascinating and dangerous trips, pursuing women and money. But will he always be able to resist all those who threaten his life and the lives of his loved ones? But, if you are interested in the future fate of the main character, that is, the continuation - "Desert rat" - season 2!
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