Van Gogh, "Sunflowers"

One of the greatest and most controversial post-impressionist artists of the 19th century was the Dutchman Vincent Van Gogh. "Sunflowers" - this is the same picture that made him famous throughout the world.

The history of the creation of a series of world masterpieces

Van Gogh Sunflowers

In 1888, in May, Van Gogh rented a smalla house in Arles, in the square of Lamartine, he will depict him later in the painting "The Yellow House". He dreams of creating a shelter for relatives in the worldview and spirit of artists, a school of fine art in which everything would have its own style, and on the walls would hang its sunflowers, half a dozen paintings with only these yellow flowers.

Waiting for Gauguin to arrive, Van Gogh draws his firstsunflowers. A lively and bright picture symbolized the joy of meeting a friend. It was not calm and silent flowers, they were screaming! They shouted with gratitude about everything that the artist felt then. Then there were still sunflowers, many more sunflowers! They for Van Gogh represented something more than just flowers in the sense that we are accustomed to them. In a letter to his brother Teo, the artist wrote that he considers the peony a favorite flower of Jannin, the mallow is Quota, and the sunflower, in a sense, belongs to him. Van Gogh wrote two cycles of paintings: the Parisian (1887) with lying flowers and Arles (1888) - with flowers in the decanter. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to accurately answer what exactly spodviglo maestro for the love of sunflowers, but it is common knowledge that schizophrenics are very fond of yellow, not without reason the mental hospital painted it.

picture of Van Gogh sunflowers

A little about the unsurpassed technique of writing the great Vincent Van Gogh

The painting "Sunflowers" by Van Gogh performed a specialtechnique of writing - impasto. Its essence lies in the fact that oil paints are applied very thickly with not only traditional brushes, but also a knife. Smears are scattered on the canvas as horrible. The rough, relief surface of the painting conveys the entire interior of the artist, all the power of feelings and emotions. For an artist, a smear is a kind of gesture, facial expression, intonation. By these restless and evocative smears one can determine the state of the spirit of the "speaker". A very talented artist and a deeply sensitive person was Van Gogh.

sunflowers van gogh
"Sunflowers" is a picture in which he triesto convey the duality of being, the struggle of opposites, the fusion of drama and festivity. Van Gogh wrote sunflowers pretty quickly. But even more quickly the petals fell from them, and the flowers dried up. Therefore, along with childishly cheerful colors, bright orange heads, devoid of petals, are also depicted.

Van Gogh. Sunflowers bloom on his canvases for 125 years now

Vincent Van Gogh lived a difficult life, fullsuffering, disappointment and insanity. The safest it's time, held in southern Arles, was marked by the writing of seven masterpieces, seven paintings with yellow flowers. Sunflowers by Van Gogh, like the Sistine Madonna for the legendary Raphael, La Gioconda for the unrivaled Leonardo da Vinci and The Black Square for the avant-garde Malevich, became decisive and had immense significance in the work of this great artist. The most famous of the series written in Arles paintings is currently in the National London Gallery.

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