Lies for good. Examples from the literature. Works in which there is a lie for the benefit of

Probably all parents tell their children,that to lie is not good. No man wants his beloved child to think that it is possible to lie. However, parents never tell their children that there is a lie for good, although many of them themselves often use this method. One can not say for sure whether it's good to lie in certain situations, because very often you can hear the phrase: "Better is the bitter truth than the sweet lie".

Lies for good. Examples from the literature

Russian literature of the last century is just full of examples of lies for good. This topic is relevant at all times, so many famous writers also affected and developed it.

Maxim Gorky wrote the play "At the Bottom." It also touched upon the topic of lies for good. The protagonist plays Luka believed that the "sweet lie" can make life easier for everyone. He said that you should not stun a person with the "fag" of truth. Luke persuaded all people around him that sweet lies can help a person to believe in something better and thereby change their lives. He believed that self-deception can help to endure any difficulties much easier. But it is worth noting that Luke did not deny that even a bitter truth sometimes it is worth talking about. In the play "At the bottom" you can often see the phrases that Luke gives to doss-mongers and other people who live the same way as they do: "Eh-h ... Lord people! What will happen to you? "In spite of the fact that the Elder always aspired to the best, clean and good, he still spoke with sadness of the sorrowful life of man.

lie for good examples from literature

The majority's opinion about lies for the benefit of

The quote "lie for good" is associated with everyone withsomething of their own. Someone may think that a lie for good is the only correct solution in difficult situations. However, the other half of humanity may disagree with this opinion and argue that it is better to always tell the truth, even when it is very "bitter" and unpleasant than a lie for good.

Examples from the literature open the eyes of readerson many things. Some people who read Maxim Gorky's play "At the bottom" can condemn Luka for giving false accommodation to residents of the doss house for a bright and happy future. But this situation can be looked at from the other side. Many people in the modern world need the support of their loved ones, whether it's going to university, getting married, etc. Good words often induce people to do something, awaken faith in themselves and hope for a good future.

a lie for good

"Lying for good is good. But only to whose benefit it was made "

Many people ask: "Lying for good - good or bad?" This question can not be given a specific answer, because it depends on the situation and the motive. Each person in his own way estimates a lie for good. Examples from the literature can help readers look at the deception differently, understand its nature and form an opinion different from the one that existed earlier.

In the "Captain's Daughter" A.S. Pushkin also meets a topic relating to lies for good. In this work, you can recall many situations in which the main characters had to resort to deception to save themselves and other people. Examples of the expression "lie for good" in "The Captain's Daughter" are found several times, and the brightest of them is the deception of Grinev. He wanted to save Masha Mironov, who was his lover, and introduced the girl to Pugachyov as a poor orphan. Grinyov deceived Pugachev for the sake of saving his beloved, which is a vivid example of lies for good. However, it is worth noting that Grinev never went against honor and lied when he found himself in difficult and dangerous situations for him. But if Pugachev found out that Masha was a captain's daughter, she could be mocked, beaten up and even executed. Therefore, Peter decided to lie for the good of his beloved in order that she remained intact and unharmed.

a lie for good or bad

Grinev and his lies for the benefit of

Examples from the literature often give ground for reflection and help to understand the true origin and nature of some emotions, actions and actions.

A character that is absolutethe opposite of Grinyov, is Alexei Ivanovich Shvabrin. For him, there were no such concepts as honor and dignity, kindness and truth. He often slandered Masha Mironov, and also stipulated Grinyov. Lies Schwabrin can not be called a lie for good, because his deception played a positive role only for himself, but not for other people.

examples of the lie for the benefit of

Lies in the name of good and evil

There are several examples of lies in The Captain's Daughter. The first is the lie of Grinyov for the sake of his beloved's salvation. The second is Shvabrin's lie and slander against Masha Mironov, who brought only misfortunes to other people. Therefore, we can say that the lie is different: with good and bad intentions.

Is it possible to lie for good? Most likely, it is possible. Sometimes deception can become a lifeline for someone, as in the work "Captain's daughter." However, if you recall the play "At the bottom," the lie for good did not bring anything good, but only aggravated an already difficult situation. Therefore, one can say one thing: a lie for good exists only when it is committed with good intentions.

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