How to change language in "VC": step by step instruction

Sometimes even minor disruptions lead toproblems in social networks. For example, to change the language. This phenomenon is not so rare. You should not be afraid of him. Today we will figure out how to change the language in the "VC" in this or that case. This operation is subject to all users. And even a novice user is able to change the interface language at any time.

Shift Options

How to change the language in "VC" to Russian or any other? To begin with, it is worthwhile to understand that there are several ways to realize the idea.

how to change the language to VC


  • through the computer;
  • using a mobile application;
  • via the mobile version of the site.

Depending on the selected resource, the instructions will change. In fact, it's easier to cope with the task, than it seems.

On a PC

How to change the language to "VC"? Let's start with the most common variant - working with the browser on the computer. In this case, to realize the idea in life is the easiest.

The language change guide looks like this:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click on the avatar in the upper right corner of the page.
  3. Click on "Settings".
  4. Scroll down the page.
  5. In the "Language" section, click the "Edit" hyperlink.
  6. Select the desired country.
  7. Click on "Save" / "Ok".

This concludes all actions. Now it is clear how to change the language in "VC" into English and not only.

mobile version

Some users work with the mobile version of the social network being studied. It also has language settings. But in this case it is necessary to act somewhat differently.

how to change the language in English to Russian

How to change the language in "VC" when working with the mobile version of the service? In general, the action algorithm will resemble the previously suggested instruction. The user must:

  1. Open
  2. Log in to the service.
  3. Click the "Settings" button at the bottom of the left menu.
  4. Scroll the "General" tab to "Regional settings".
  5. Set the desired region and save the changes.

The actions performed help to easily changethe language of the interface in the social network. You can do this any number of times and absolutely free. From now on it is clear how to change the language in the "VC" in this or that case.


Only the proposed options work exclusively in the browser. And what if we are talking about changing the language in the application for "VKontakte"?

The thing is that from recent times the implementation oftask on mobile devices has become a lot of trouble. Previously, the mobile application interface for "VC" had exactly the same settings as the computer version of the social network. But now they have changed a little.

How can I change the language to "VC" if I use a mobile application? This can only be done by changing the language of the mobile device system. That is, with the operation being studied, problems sometimes arise.

The exact algorithm of action depends on the modelmobile phone / tablet. But, as a rule, just go to "Settings" - "Language" and set the desired language. After that, when entering VK, the user will notice that the interface language of the mobile application has also changed.

Now even a novice user can easily cope with such a task as changing the language to "VC". In fact, everything is really simple, if you master the proposed techniques.

how to change the language in English to English

Based on all of the above, you can come tothe conclusion that the problems with the change of language arise only when using a special application for access to "VKontakte." But if you work with a mobile browser, then the task in hand will not bring any hassle or problems. It is enough to use the instructions for the site.

Are there any other solutions?task? How to change the language to "VC"? No more realistic tips and tricks. Therefore, users need to be satisfied with the proposed manuals. They work for 100 percent!

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