How to make an endless warm-up in CS: GO. Step-by-step instruction

To successfully play on CS servers:GO, you need to learn the locations and understand the basic mechanics of the game. For this purpose, a special mode was created - "Warm up". Here you can practice and warm up with friends or hone your skills on bots.

But in this mode there is one significant drawback. The warm-up lasts no more than a minute. And for such a short period of time, the beginner is unlikely to study the map or understand the mechanics. But do not be upset, because there is one effective way, as in CS: GO make the workout infinite, and you will learn about it from our guide.

how to do an endless workout in cs go

Step-by-step instruction

How to make in CS: GO an endless warm-up? First of all you need to run the game and create your own server with bots, well, or a lobby for battles with friends. Such actions are only available to players who have installed the official version of the game. So the owners of "pirate" it's time to think about buying new content.

In addition, to create your own server, you need todownload the program SteamCMD. If you already have this content, then you can proceed to the next phase of how to make the workout infinite in CS: GO. If not, then it's time to start installing additional software.

Next, open the game console. To do this, go to the "Game Parameters". We find the item "Enable console" and in front of it we put the word "yes". Then we return to the game and press the "~" key. After that, in the opened field we write the following command: sv_cheats 1. This will remove the restriction of the game to enter cheats.

As in CS: GO include an endless warm-up: Continuation

Next, you need to remove the bots. You can do this using the console command. To do this, press the "~" key and type the following set of sims: bot_kick. Of course, you can leave opponents, but they are unlikely to let you calmly explore the location.

Better to get rid of bots first and get comfortableon the ground, and only then return the enemies to the battlefield. You can do it with the help of the same console. To do this, write this command: bot_add. In this case, if you want, you can choose the number and characteristics of the added bots.

 how to include an endless workout in cs go

Now we need to increase the duration of oura training battle, which in the game is called warmup. The command for an endless warm-up in CS: GO looks like this: mp_warmuptime X, where X is the desired time. In this case, you can set any duration of the mode.

Remember that developers are keeping an eye on theobservance of the rules in the game, and the use of cheats may lead to the blocking of the account. Therefore, before you activate an endless warm-up, it's better to go offline.

The next team you need to registerthe console will be this: mp_do_warmup_offine 1. After that, all you need to do is start the warm-up mode. Again, open the console and enter the following command: mp_warmup_start. After that you can endlessly warm up and study the game cards.

the command for an endless warm-up in cs go

Stop the mode

Now that you know how to CS:GO to make the workout endless, it will not be out of place to learn how to get out of it. And disabling it will be much easier than running. To do this, we return to the developer console again and register the following command: mp_warmup_end.

After that, the warm-up will be completed, and you can go to the game servers and demonstrate your skills in battles with real opponents.

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