Why do I need to clean the laptop cooling system?

The unprecedented decline in the cost of somelaptop models have made these laptop computers incredibly popular. If earlier a person with an average income had to save money for such a purchase for several months, now the situation has changed.

processor cooling
The price of budget solutions, productivitywhich is enough to view Internet pages, print abstracts on the printer and watch movies, is only $ 300. However, after buying a portable "silicon friend", you need to not only learn how to work well with the operating system and applications, but also understand that periodically you need to clean the laptop cooling system.

This operation requires disassembly of the housing andmaintenance of internal computer components. Although cleaning the cooling system of the laptop scares some users, nothing is complicated in this. It is important to understand that this is not a repair that can be performed only by the service center's employees, but a natural necessity. Almost like in cars: you need not only to add fuel and oil, but sometimes also to change the filters. Since cleaning the notebook's cooling system is inevitable, manufacturers of these portable devices provide easy access to components requiring maintenance (at least to most of them, although there are exceptions).

cleaning the laptop cooling system
In any modern computer there are severalcomponents that heat up considerably during operation. This is not a malfunction, but a normal regime, although, of course, not entirely desirable. The "hot team" is headed by the central processor, because it is on his "shoulders" that all mathematical calculations fall. Next to it is a video card, "on board" which, by the way, also has a specialized microprocessor. Electronic power circuits placed on the motherboard also contribute to increasing the temperature inside the case. Without removing excess heat, electronic switches (transistors) overheat, begin to malfunction and may fail due to thermal breakdown. Therefore, in computer systems, the cooling of the processor is used by blowing a metal radiator that contacts the body of this large microcircuit by the fan (cooler).

cleaning the cooler

Compact notebook sizes are theiradvantage, in comparison with stationary computers, but at the same time a disadvantage. The spacious body of the personal computer system allows you to place a large-sized cooling system that keeps sufficient efficiency even with a significant clogging of the radiator and fan with dust.

But in the cramped case of the laptop, cleaning the coolershould be carried out more often, because compact dimensions do not allow to have a "safety margin" for collecting dust. Frequent hovering, increased fan buzz, program errors are manifestations of component overheating due to clogging of the cooling system with dust contained in the air.

Cleaning the notebook cooling system involves the following steps:

- Turn off the power, remove the battery;

- unscrewing the screws holding the bottom cover and dismantling it;

- cleaning and blowing out the radiator and fan;

- dust removal from all available components;

- Reassemble in reverse order.

As we already mentioned above, this operation is not difficult and can be performed even at home.

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