How to create an American Apple ID in the simplest ways

Many of our owners of "apple" mobiledevices probably know that in the American repository of AppStore programs, games, music or video much more than represented in the CIS countries. That's why many would like to create an American Apple ID to access this content. There is nothing complicated in this, however there are a couple of nuances and questions without understanding which the registration procedure will become useless or can not be implemented at all.

What is an Apple ID?

Let's start with the simplest. In fact, the Apple ID on the "apple" devices is exactly the same identifier as the Google account based on the binding to the Gmail mailbox on Android-devices, through which access to the software and multimedia storage, as well as to some services.

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The only difference is that the information presented in the AppStore and focused on the countries of the post-Soviet space, differs from the American service quite strongly.

What is the point of creating an American registration?

The question of how to create an American Apple ID,while we leave it aside and look at the appropriateness of such actions. As one of the main reasons for US registration, it can be noted that in the US market for software and entertainment industry, new items appear much earlier than in Europe, not to mention the CIS countries. On the one hand, if you create an American Apple ID, an obvious advantage is the possibility of access to such content before others. But there are also disadvantages.

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First of all, this is due to the fact that inMost of this content is paid (although some free services can also be found). In addition, in America, prices for similar content are much higher than ours, so we will have to pay. True, our specialists know how to circumvent such restrictions in such a way that an ordinary American does not even come to mind.

How to create an American Apple ID on a computer?

So, you can create the registration in two ways - to use for this computer with the installed program iTunes or directly on the mobile device.

On the computer running iTunes, you need to select the main account menu and exit it if it is currently active.

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Next, select the application section and go toAppStore. In the list of countries and regions, scroll down the content and click on the US flag to indicate the region. In the sidebar, look for some free application and click the Get button.

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Next, a window appears prompting you to enter the login andpassword in which you want to use the button for creating a new account, then click the continuation button, agree with the terms of the license agreement and proceed to the form of filling out the data.

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Here it is necessary to specify the e-mail address,without using for this purpose the European domains or domains of the countries of the former USSR. Then you enter a password, specify secret questions and answers to them, and then set the date of birth.

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After this you should uncheck the confirmationmailing lists and go to the payment method setting. Here the main problem is how to create an American Apple ID without a credit or debit card. It's simple - as a method of payment, indicate that it is missing (None).

how to create american apple id

The next step is to introduce a realthe existing US address and telephone number, in which you will need to register the last seven digits. Most experts recommend the use of localities and organizations of the State of Florida, because there is no tax on operations for purchasing software in the AppStore service. Find these institutions can be quite simply through the Google Maps application, which provides comprehensive information.

The following parameters should be used for input:

  • Street;
  • City - for example, Orlando;
  • State (state) - Florida (FL);
  • Zip Code (index) - for Florida 32830;
  • Area Code - for Orlando 321;
  • Phone - the institution number indicated on the card and corresponding to the selected address (last 7 digits).

Next, click the Create an Apple account button, and if all the data is entered correctly, the e-mail authentication window will appear after the verification.

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We enter the mailbox, open the letter, enterdata of the created ID Apple ID and click on the Verify button. Once the mail address is confirmed, the identification window will change to a greeting card.

How to create an American Apple ID on a mobile device

On a mobile device, this entire procedurealmost completely analogous to the above, only the phone number is indicated not by seven, but by the last ten digits, and the initial actions are made directly from the account section.

how to create an American apple id without a credit

Here it is worth paying attention to one more thing. Many are wondering how to create an American Apple ID without a map (geographic) when there is no information on a real agency or the map service is unavailable. Just enter the browser and search for information on some American company by typing in the search field central office (central office) or office in Florida. You can enter any name known to the whole world, for example, General Motors or something else. The search engine will give out the full text information with phones, the address, etc.

What should I look for?

Finally, you must be especially careful when choosinginstitution or input data on it, as all information will be immediately verified. Why is it better to use organizations, rather than private individuals, just because they can have thousands of employees, and it's impossible to determine who created the account simply physically.

In some cases, it may be necessary to disable location (geolocation) in your system, but, as a rule, this is not required.

Instead of the total

As you can see, to create an American Apple ID is not soreally difficult. The main thing is to enter the real data correctly. True, the desirability of using such a registration remains a big question, since America is the country in which everything will have to be paid for. And the most recent content, especially, will be paid.

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