How to change the start page in several popular browsers?

Probably, the question is how to change the startingpage in your favorite browser, overwhelming overwhelming majority of novice users. Realizing that the newcomer is afraid to press the mouse button once again, what to say about finding the appropriate settings, developers of programs for viewing pages on the Internet prudently establish in their products the right start page for them. As a result, every time the browser is launched, the user is forced to watch advertisements of other developer products. In principle, this small inconvenience is quite fair, because the browser is free, in addition to changing the start page is actually very easy.

Much worse if the program for viewingpages are downloaded not from the developer's site, but from a third-party resource. Often such browsers are made in the form of assemblies, that is, an experienced user took as a basis the program they liked, added auxiliary programs, which, in his opinion, needed, in part, integrated them into the shell and menus. Although some programs are very useful, most of them only take up free space on the hard disk. A vivid example is Opera AC (support and development is currently suspended). Connoisseurs of the Fiery Fox (Firefox) can download the assembly with the installed add-ons, which, in fact, is very similar to the above AC. All would be fine, but beginners who started using such assemblies are often asked how to change the start page in Opera or Firefox. The fact is that the creators of assemblies register in the browser a link to their sites, thus gaining additional traffic. That's why there are so many people who want to learn how to change the start page by disabling or replacing this disgrace. All the same, every user wants to make the homepage his favorite page. Sometimes this is the page of the search engine, although browser developers have taken into account the wishes and created a convenient built-in mechanism for interacting with search engines; sometimes - a news site; sometimes - something else.

The answer to the question how to change the start page is simple: you need to go to the settings and specify the starting page you want. Let's take a closer look at the procedure for popular browsers.

Opera most current version 12

You need to follow the path of the menu "Settings -general settings are basic. " In the "Home" box, you should write down the Internet address of the desired page, and in the "When you start" drop-down menu select the "Start from home page" option. It should be noted that the express panel, actively implemented in all modern browsers, deserves the closest attention. This is really a very convenient invention: when starting the browser, the user is asked to choose one of several windows, each of which is a link to the previously selected page. In fact, the express panel is an analog of the Windows Quick Launch toolbar.

Firefox version 15

The way is the following: "Menu - settings - settings - basic". Here you can register a home page (it's also a start page) and select the appropriate action to be performed when you start Firefox. In this case, this is the "Show home page".

Google Chrome

Open the menu, select "parameters - basic". Here the user can select the main page. Do not forget to confirm opening it every time you start the browser.

These are only the most popular browsers. How do I change the start page in the rest? Almost the same. Developers gradually unify the menu of their programs, so no difficulties should arise. The history of the Windows system repeats: if before in DOS each program used its own key combination to exit, then with the arrival of the operating system from Microsoft, the "exit" function was firmly entrenched behind the Esc button in the vast majority of applications.

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