How to change the line spacing in the "Word"

This article will show you how to changeline spacing in the "Word". Although for experienced users this subject does not raise any questions, but for beginners the article will be very useful. We'll tell you where the line spacing settings are. What are the ways to change it, and also touch a few intervals between paragraphs and at the end we will stop on how to change their parameters in two clicks.

We go in the settings "Paragraph"

Line spacing in the "Word" can be changedin several ways. In this article we will consider only three. But before you go directly to instructions, how to change the line spacing in the "Word", it is worth to tell where exactly these settings are.

line spacing in a word

For this we need to get into the "Paragraph" settings. This is where the necessary parameters will change:

  1. First, open the program itself. You can create a new document and open an existing one.
  2. Now go to the "Home" tab - on the toolbar, find the "Paragraph" area.
  3. You need to click on the small box with the arrow, which is located at the bottom right of the graph. This is the first way to get into the "Paragraph" settings.

The second way to someone may seem easier. To implement it, you need to press the PCM in any area of ​​the document - the menu will open. In it you need to select the line "Paragraph". By the way, this way you can change the line spacing in the "Word", 2007 and more, and for the "Vorda" in 2003 it will not work.

Go to "Manage Styles"

If you have the 2003 "Vord", then do not be afraid, and foryou have a way. Just now we will consider it. It practically does not differ from the previous one, the difference is only in the location of the necessary items:

  • Having opened the program, pay attention not to the column "Paragraph", but to "Styles" (it is in the very right part of the window). In it you also need to click on the icon in the lower right corner.
  • The field of how you do it, you will see a drop-down menu. In it, you need to click on the "Manage Styles" button. This button is at the very bottom of the window - it's the third one.
  • The window you need will open, but the tab is most likely not the one you want - go to the "Default" tab.

That's all, now go to the instructions on how to change the line spacing in the "Word".

Set the default line spacing

So, by following the instructions from the aboveways, you will get almost the same settings. In the window there will be an area called "Interval". As it is easy to guess, it is with it that we will continue to work. By the way, it specifies not only the line spacing in the "Vord" by default, but also the interval between paragraphs.

But first, pay attention to the drop-downlist on the right. Having unfolded it, you can use, so to speak, templates. And set the interval according to them. If you need to more accurately adjust the gap between the lines, you can enter a value in the field next to it. In the left part, the interval between paragraphs is specified.

line spacing in the Word 2007

After that do not rush to press "OK" and applychanges. The interval, of course, changes according to the selected values, but is not saved by default. To achieve this, click the corresponding button at the bottom of the window - you will see a message in which you should choose: "All documents based on the" Normsl "template.

Change the line spacing in two clicks

Now it's worth talking about how to changethe distance between the lines quickly, without resorting to long and painstaking settings. It should be immediately said that this method will not set the default settings, it will only change the interval in the pre-selected part of the text.

We will change the line spacing in the "Word", 2007 release, and about the previous versions is not the fact that the method will work.

In the "Home" tab, in the "Paragraph" section, you should find the "Interval" button. Its location you can see in the image below.

change the line spacing in a word

When you click on the button, a menu opens, in which you can define the parameter you need, and after that the selected part of the text will be transformed.

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