Hkey Local Machine - how do I log in? Hkey Local Machine on "Windows" where is located?

Quite often it is possible to meet situations whenwhen installing some software or to improve the performance of Windows operating systems, you have to interfere with the operation of the so-called system registry, but not with changing user settings, but with editing the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section. How to access Windows 8 in this thread or in any other system will be discussed further. We'll talk about right away: you only need to edit parameters if you have a clear understanding that this can cause irreparable harm to the entire operating system.

What is the registry?

In general, while leaving aside the question of howgo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (SYSTEM) or in another subsection, it is worth noting that the Windows registry is a kind of table of the registration of all installed components and settings.

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There are data not only about owntools of the system, but also about all device drivers or user applications. Roughly speaking, no program can work if it is not registered, however, like the system services themselves. Similarly, it is impossible to open any file that has not been entered into the registry.

Why do I need a Windows registry?

The problem of how to enter the registry branchHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, is solved quite simply. You can fit the whole process into one line. But in order for the understanding to be more complete, first let us dwell on why all this is necessary.

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Roughly speaking, all programs or data (anyinformation) represented in the form of files must somehow be recognized by the operating system itself, not to mention the fact that all "iron" devices must function correctly using the drivers installed for them. How can the OS determine them? The primary BIOS is activated only at the very beginning of the computer startup, and the operating system starts only after that.

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And the data for downloading are taken fromsystem registry. By the way, if you paid attention to the processes of Windows recovery, first of all it restores the registry from the previously created backup. However, user files are reportedly not affected. This is understandable, the recovery priority is set for the functionality of the software, which at the time of some unforeseen failure could already be deleted. And so - no problems! Through the restoration of the system registry, you can restore and those applications that are currently not in the system.

Note: program files are not physically removed from the hard drive, but only renamed, and in the names the first character is replaced with an unreadable one (usually $ or ~ $). Thus, it is easy enough to define all the files marked with such attributes in order to restore the work of any program. By the way, almost all known utilities are used to recover lost information on any type of media, including not only hard disks, but also flash devices, external USB-HDD or even memory cards of the most popular standards.

What data is stored in the HKLM branch?

But back to the very branch of the registry. Again, before deciding how to go to "Windows 8.1") in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, it should be clear which data is stored here.

Basically they concern system settings, with the parameters of which you must be very careful when editing.

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Depending on the OS version, the partitions can bedifferent. But the main ones are SOFTWARE, HARDWARE and SYSTEM. As already understood, they correspond to the program, "iron" and system part. In other words, the first section stores information about installed programs, the second one is responsible for the drivers and equipment, the third section stores the settings of the OS itself.

How to enter HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on "Windows 7" or any other system in the fastest way?

Now directly on the entrance. The question of how to enter HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, in any of the now known Windows-systems is solved quite simply.

How to enter the registry branch hkey local machine

In this case we are talking about usingthe Run console of programs and services "Run", which registers the standard command regedit, corresponding to the executable EXE-file. After logging on, simply expand the branch in the directory tree on the left.

As on "Windows 7" go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE from "Explorer"

But the above method is not the only one. Similarly, simply the question of how to enter HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE can also be resolved when using the manual program file.

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It's called regedit.exe and is located in the System32 folder. In this case, even the launch on behalf of the administrator is not required, since the system will still request confirmation of the rights to intervene. Another thing is when you want to merge by running a key file with a REG extension. And here the rights of the administrator are mandatory, because the system will simply not make changes to the registry.

Editing the registry

With editing, as already noted, it is necessary to be extremely cautious. The price of the issue is the operability of the entire system.

This problem is due only to the fact that, inUnlike other programs and Windows settings that prompt the user to save the changes made, nothing can be said about this in the Registry Editor (if something is fixed, even if the editor is closed, the changes take effect automatically). Thus, simply by changing one key, you can bring the whole system to full blast. Without special need this branch is better not to touch.

Defragment and clean up unnecessary data

So, how to go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, more orless understood. There are no problems with editing issues either. Now a few words about defragmenting the registry. Many users underestimate this problem, to put it mildly. And in vain, because it is because of the problematic keys in the registry that the system load may become quite long.

As is already clear, this is akin to actions with a harddisk, but the difference is not only in ordering the records and keys stored in it, but also in removing unnecessary ones. What is the essence? At startup, the operating system scans the registry, and the more keys there are in it, the more time it takes to load. The conclusion suggests itself: the registry should be cleaned from time to time. But how to do that?

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The easiest way is to use specialprograms-optimizers, which allow automatic cleaning and defragmentation without much user involvement. Among the most popular utilities are CCleaner, Advanced SystemCare, Glary Utilities and many others. In the set of their tools, there are quite a few modules for all cases of life, including actions with the system registry. But it is possible to use also the narrowly directed utilities, instead of programs of complex care of system. They also have enough. But if you understand, it is better to use complex care, because the modules included in the programs provide additional cleaning and acceleration.

Do I need to change the keys myself?

Finally, almost asked for the answer to the most importantthe question of whether it is appropriate and not safe to deal with changing the values ​​of registry keys. The medal has two sides. It seems that it is undesirable to change these parameters, but, on the other hand, some settings of system components can not be activated or deactivated without intervention in the registry, in particular, in the settings branch mentioned above.

If you need a normal download optimizationoperating system, without a doubt, the best application-optimizers. If you want to enable certain services or activate some components of the system itself, you can not do without intervention using the manual configuration mode. And therefore you need to be extremely careful not to cause the system such damage that it will cease to work at all and will not even give signs of life. After that, sometimes it may even be necessary to completely re-install it.

In any case, approaching the issues of changeparameters need to be maximally deliberate, and without understanding the essence of the actions performed at a certain moment without the need for a registry, it's better not to climb at all.

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