The question of formatting text in many gamesvery relevant. When players have nothing to "measure", everyone starts to wonder how he would stand out. Considering the fact that the game has a large number of surfaces on which you can write. Thus, people have a space for creativity in the direction of colored inscriptions. Let's figure out how to make the colors in Maynkraft even brighter.
By default all inscriptions in books and on signshave a black color. In order to change it, before the immediate text you will have to insert a special symbol and color number, which corresponds to the table stored in the memory of the game. In total there are 16 colors, and they are designated according to the hexadecimal number system. To begin with, we will analyze the basic colors according to the famous proverb "Every designer wants to know where to download photoshop."
The colors in "Maynkraft" are not very diverse,However, they can be diluted with some shades of others. And no one canceled the basic settings. Below you can see those colors in "Maynkraft", which were not included in the previous list.
We draw your attention to the fact that all alphabeticcodes are written in Latin. To change the color of the inscription, you first need to enter a special symbol "&" (Shift + 7 in the English keyboard layout), then the color number (code), and after, through the space, the text of the message. For example, "& d Hello!". So you get a pink inscription.
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