How to partition a hard disk into two partitions

Let's talk about how to break a hard drive into two. By itself, the process of creating logical disks is conditional. This is due to the fact that no other device is physically created. In this case, only a certain space of the disk is allocated, to which any letter designation is assigned. But from the moment of separation, you will have the opportunity to access this space as an independent device. If you manage to split the hard disk into two, you can individually format it, put the OSes on one or the other, etc.

how to split a hard drive into two

It is recommended to split the hard disk into two ormore logical sections. This is not only convenient for use, but at the same time the reliability of information security is increased. Before you split a hard drive into two, you must determine for yourself what section is going to be on. Typically, drive C is used for the operating system, and drive D already stores its own data. If you have problems with the operating system, you can easily demolish it and reinstall it again, while your data on the second section will remain intact.

than to partition a hard disk into partitions

Than to break a hard disk into sections?

As for Windows XP, it does not have anytools for this. But in Seven, there is such an opportunity. But I still recommend you to use third-party software. Personally, I like Acronis Disk Director. Its latest versions are supported by absolutely all Microsoft systems. This application can be of two types. The first one is loaded from the laser disks during the computer startup, the second one can be installed as a normal program in Windows. In themselves they are identical.

On an example of the given utility we will consider, how to breaka hard drive for two. We select the manual control mode, then select the disk that we need to divide. On the left in the window of this program there is a paragraph "separation". We pass there. Now you will be asked to select the folders that you want to transfer to the new partition. Select them (select), then click the "Next" button.

split the hard drive into two

Before you should appear a new window thatwill allow to distribute space between both disks. Moving the slider with the manipulator, set the necessary dimensions. If you do not specify any parameters, the software will split your hard drive in half. After completing all operations, click "OK".

Although all the actions you have already performed, it is not yetall. A new disk is still not created. To implement all the above actions, you need to click on the checkered flag icon, which is located at the top of the program window. By this action, you confirm the need to perform these operations. If you have downloaded the utility from the disk, all actions will be executed immediately. You only need to restart the computer after the process is over.

When working with Microsoft utilities, the computerwill also be rebooted, and operations related to disk partitioning will be performed during the restart. I recommend using the CD version, because the other one may crash. In any case, the data before this procedure must be stored on an external medium. Now you know how to break a hard drive into two.

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