Light armor ("Skyrim"): what happens, where to get it and what is better to wear?

Many players in The Elder Scrolls are selectedsuch classes as archers, robbers and others who require light armor. "Skyrim" includes a lot of opportunities for obtaining such armor, but first you need to understand who they are, which ones to choose and where to get them.

Who should wear them?

There are several classes to which light armoris needed as such. These are robbers, archers and attacking warriors. A robber is a class that heavy armor is contraindicated in principle, and exceptionally light armor fits. "Skyrim" includes a lot of subtle mechanics that need to be considered, playing a noiseless killer - stealth, endurance and lots of others.

skyrim fashion for armor

First of all, light armor allows walkingabsolutely noiseless, therefore, having pumped the skill of stealth, you can cut out a whole camp and at the same time not get a single blow. It is also worth noting that in light armor, the character spends much less endurance, which makes it more mobile, and also allows more use of various techniques in combat.

Archers are more important not so much secrecy,how much mobility, which also provides easy armor. "Skyrim" allows the characters in her to spend much less endurance on the run, and the speed itself is faster. Thanks to this, you can easily change your position after covert attacks and at the same time always be able to hold your breath for more marksmanship.

Which armor is the best?

If we do not take into account the fact that we constantly produce"Skyrim" fashion for armor, in the standard version the most effective set is dragon scaly armor. You can not find it anywhere, so the only way to get armor is to pump blacksmithing, kill several dragons to get the right ingredients and do it yourself.

light armor Skyrim

It is worth noting the fact thatit is necessary to pump precisely the branch in which the light armor is created. "Skyrim" provides an opportunity to do both light and heavy sets after studying the last perk. Therefore, you can go through a branch of heavy sets, but during the pumping process, only the broken armor is satisfied.

How to pump it?

To pump blacksmithing most effectively inin any case, an endless re-creation of iron daggers, so up to 100 it can be raised quickly enough. At the same time it will allow you to raise a considerable number of levels, making the character an order of magnitude stronger. but you must understand how important armor is. In order for it to outperform other kits, it will need to be enchanted.


If you consider pumping blacksmithingvery laborious or not too optimal investment of glasses, then in this case you will have to rely only on knocked out weapons and sets. In "Skyrim" the best light armor that can be knocked out is the nightingale set, which comes after the killing of the keepers of the Nocturnal temple. Putting on this enchanted set, the owner gains increased stamina, and also deals much more damage with one-handed weapons and can cast spells with reduced cost.

skyrim best light armor

It is a worthy alternative to the nightingale armorcan be an ancient shadow armor, which can be removed from the assassin while performing one of the quests of the dark brotherhood. The thing is that the helmet from this set significantly increases the damage from bows, which will be extremely useful to the characters of long-range combat, and gloves double the damage caused from the back.

Among other things, in DLC Dragonborn wasthe death seal set is added, which, when worn with a complete set, gives a huge boost of damage with a one-handed weapon when used in two hands, and also significantly increases the power reserve, while also having nice protection when wearing the complete set.

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