Wi-Fi router - what is it?

Currently, almost all devices that havethe relation to the Internet, are issued with built-in modules of Vai-Fay. The question arises as to why this is done. The answer is simple - in order for these devices to be able to connect to the Internet, which is distributed using routers. Now let's try to understand a little bit about the next question: "Wi-Fi-router - what is it?".

This device is also called a router,which is a device that transmits received data between different network nodes and determines the most optimal path for user traffic. He independently divides the received Internet channel and distributes it to internal network addresses. These addresses also create oneself.

wi fi router what is it
The main purpose of the router is to combine various devices - computers, laptops, tablets, etc. - in one network for the consumption of one channel of the Internet.

We learned in a brief form the answer to this question: "Wai-Fi router - what is this?". In recent years, it is difficult to find an office, restaurant, cafe or other common place where this modern wireless technology would not work. Almost every visitor of such an institution takes out his laptop, tablet or smartphone to at least check the mail. Moreover, such a service is often provided free of charge. Having tried to use it, many people buy a router for themselves. What is it, for most of them is not a question. Now you can even buy a TV with a built-in Wi-Fi-receiver.

Let's say you decided to buy yourself a Wi-Fi router. What does it mean? Is it enough to come to the store and buy the first device? Of course not! First you need to make the right choice.

First of all it is necessary to pay attention tothe network access protocol that the provider provides. This can be PPTP, PPPoE or L2TP. Not all of them, especially the latter, are supported by all routers. Find out clearly, then do not run again to the store to exchange the device.

wai file router what is it

Secondly, decide on the budget for the purchase. Central Asian products are much cheaper, but also of worse quality, even if they have a well-known logo on them. Therefore, it is better to buy a device in a large electronics store, rather than on the radio market, and more expensive.

The next thing you need to decide is yourneeds. It's one thing, having understood the question: "Wi-Fi-router - what is it and what is it for?", Purchase a simple device and use the Internet at a speed of 5 mbps, and quite another - at a speed of 20 mb / s play in Online Games. Here you already need a router more powerful so that it can handle high speed well.

There are different Wai-Fai standards, the most common of them and the universal one is 802.1g. There are others, so probe a bit and this topic.

router what is it

If you plan to download a lot of content, pay attention to the amount of RAM and the frequency of the processor. They should be no less, respectively, 64Mb and 400Mhz.

And at the final stage of the selection, pay attention to the coverage area and the encryption protocol. This, maybe, and not such important indicators as the previous ones, nevertheless ...

So we answered the question about the Wi-Fi router,what it is. Having decided with a choice independently or with the help of specialists, you can go to the store and buy yourself another high-tech device.

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