How do I know why the speed of the Internet has dropped?

Most Internet users oftenface cases when it becomes unbearable waiting for the opening of web pages, downloading files, etc. It is obvious that the connection to the network has a problem, which greatly affects the operational efficiency. There are several main reasons why the speed of the Internet has fallen. Let us consider them in more detail.

Why the speed of the Internet has fallen? Maybe hardware problems?

The first thing to do is callInternet provider. Such companies work with complex equipment that provides users with access to the network, frequent incidents of failure, temporary disconnection due to technical or preventive work, or even testing. A call to the ISP will give an answer to the question of why the Internet speed has fallen. Here, unfortunately, there is nothing to be done, it remains only to wait.

The speed of the Internet has fallen dramatically

A very frequent reason for the loss of speed isfailure of the final equipment (modem, Wi-Fi-point, wired or wireless network card, etc.). During the malfunction, a phenomenon occurs such as packet loss. This means that the information is cut off somewhere in the middle, it takes a while, then the work resumes. But if there are frequent packet losses, then, accordingly, it seems that the speed of the Internet has fallen dramatically. A simple "PING" command will help to determine the malfunction. If you have Windows, you need to do the following:

  • Run the command line (Win + R or press "Start", then "Run", where to enter "CMD").
    The Internet speed has sharply fallen
  • After the appearance (usually black) of the window, inthe field where the cursor is blinking, you need to enter the command "Ping", put a space and enter the IP address of your device, then again press the spacebar and enter "-t", press "Enter".
  • Packets will be sent if there are nodelays (in the "Time" field there is no value more than 2-5 ms and there is no message "The waiting interval is exceeded"), then everything is in order, if they are, then, probably, this is the reason why the internet speed has fallen. By the way, you can check any resource in the same way. To do this, instead of the IP address, you can enter the address of any site: maybe your Internet is in order, and the fault is the availability of the resource.

So, we'll find out if there are problems in the hardware, and what if the whole reason is the software part?

The programmatic reasons why the Internet speed has fallen

Many programs or their incorrect settingsmay cause the connection speed to drop. If the speed of the Internet has plummeted, then the faulty proxy server may be the cause. If it is registered in your browser settings, you should remove it or register a worker.

Why the speed of the Internet has fallen?

The presence of viruses is one of the more frequent causes of problems in the work of the Internet. As a rule, they download any data from the network, thereby overloading the channel.

If you have Wi-Fi, and the password is not set to it, it's possible that neighbors use your Internet. In this case, the password must be set.

That's how you can determine why I fellInternet speed. But if the correction of each of the problems did not lead to anything, it is possible that someone specifically blocks the speed - this is especially true for networks where the system administrator manages everything. His actions and can cause this phenomenon.

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