How to update nVidia drivers in the Windows operating system

As you know, any computer consists ofa lot of hardware components, known under the generalized name "components". They determine the speed to a great extent: acquiring a new computer in the store, their choice bases, of course, apart from the cost, on the performance of hardware components. The processor, video card, memory - this is the very "culprits", about the basic characteristics of which every user should know.

Now no one is surprised usingcolossal computing resources of a personal computer for games. This is understandable - this is the trend of development. Developers need funds for the release of new technical solutions, the lion's share of finance is just provided by proceeds from the sale of gaming applications, although this is not always obvious. In fact, everything is interconnected: new games can fully open their potential only on powerful components (in this case we are talking about video cards). Fans of games, in turn, are forced to purchase more powerful hardware components. As a result, everyone benefits: programmers profit from the sales of games, hardware developers receive their part by selling new components, and users enjoy a new game.

However, it is possible to improvethe performance of a new game without replacing the graphics card. To do this, it is enough to update the drivers nVidia, ATI (AMD) or Intel - depending on the video card installed in the computer. At present, video adapters of two manufacturers are very popular: nVidia and AMD. They are engaged in the production of high-performance products that are in demand among gamers. In the article we will talk about the production of nVidia, although all that is said applies to the components of other companies.

Without going into the design features, you canconsider that the heart of the video card is a video processor. In fact, this is a fairly large programmable microcircuit. The control functions of its work are assigned to the driver - a small specialized program. The driver is the mediator between the applications and the electronic part of the video adapter, so it is so important to know how to update the nVidia drivers. Obviously, you can not change the hardware. It is impossible to take a soldering iron and to solder the microcircuits. However, to update the drivers of the video card nVidia even the beginner can. The developer periodically releases updated versions of the drivers. You can update them in two ways: use the built-in update mechanism or download the file from the developer's site. To update the nVidia drivers, you need to go to the nVidia website, under the "support" section, select "download drivers" and, specifying the type, series and other passport characteristics of the installed video card, download the driver. Obviously, there is nothing complicated in updating the nVidia drivers. In this case, the necessary condition is access to the Internet.

Users of high-priced tariffs with non-gigabyte payment should take into account that the amount of update can exceed 100 megabytes.

What does the nVidia driver update? As mentioned earlier, the driver is a software mediator between the application and the hardware of the video adapter. Often new versions use computer power more efficiently, increasing overall productivity. Also they can realize new opportunities: for example, correct operation of several video cards in the SKI mode; support for new configuration options; adding commands. And, of course, external changes, expressed in a refined interface and convenient functions. In general, it is recommended to update the driver periodically for each user. About the made changes it is possible to esteem in the accompanying documentation to each new version (information file).

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