Create perfect eyebrows

Among makeup artists, it is customary to call eyebrows gatesin face. It's true, it's hard to overestimate the role of the eyebrows. They are able to visually make the face a little different in shape, to depict any expression on it, to become a perfect finishing stroke in the image, or simply to nullify all efforts to create it. To create perfect eyebrows, you need to select the right shape, adjust and maintain the result. And this is a very important work.

How to properly shape the eyebrows

Before you take on the tweezers and proceedcorrection, it is necessary to get acquainted with what basic species they can be, and what kind is suitable for you. Eyebrows are divided into species into three main categories: depending on the density, shape and position of the axis.

Depending on the position of the axis they are accepteddivided into falling, horizontal and ascending. The horizontal eyebrows make the face visually wider, therefore they will approach those at whom it in the top part narrow or extended. Ascendants make the face visually more elongated, giving it liveliness and mischief. Falling eyebrows are also capable of lengthening the face, but they also make it somehow sad.

Depending on the thickness and size of the eyebrow takendivide into thin, wide, threaded and fused. Widespread look great with large facial features, so they should not be greatly reduced, as this can harm natural harmony. Restore after plucking such eyebrows will be very problematic, since the plucked hairs will grow randomly. Eyebrows and threads are fine only in the owners of small features. If the eyebrows are fused to the bridge of the nose, the face acquires a stern expression and looks very untidy. In this regard, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary hairs. This is the only way to make perfect eyebrows.

Divide them and in form. Here you can select smooth eyebrows and with a kink. Universal are smooth arc-shaped eyebrows, since they do not change the face. No visual changes on the face and does not cause a break, but it gives a kind of rejuvenating effect and a slightly playful mood.

How to make eyebrows correctly

You can proceed to correction only in the event that,if you have decided on the shape, density, position relative to the axis. First you need to arm yourself with a pair of tweezers and a wide mirror. Making perfect eyebrows is best in daylight, only so you can get a good result. If when you remove the hairs you are concerned about pain, then brush your eyebrows with cream before the beginning of correction, so the skin will soften, and the process will become less unpleasant. This procedure is very simple, but there are some rules. Hairs should be pulled one at a time, gently grasping them with tweezers, do not need to take several at once. It is necessary to periodically depart some distance from the mirror, which will allow you to evaluate the result of the work, as well as determine the need for further correction.

Ideal eyebrows and care for them

Under care is understood the maintenance of theform with the help of regular correction. Every day you need to pay attention to the eyebrows: remove hairs that are knocked out of the main picture, combed, and nourished with a gel. To decorate them is using a pencil or dry shadows, which are matched to the tone of your hair. Shadows need to be applied with a brush for eyebrows, evenly distributed along the entire length. If you use a pencil, then you need to make short strokes that mimic the hairs themselves.

If your eyebrows are framed correctly, then youyou can create a harmonious completed image, so do not be lazy to do this. The procedure for caring for them should be inscribed in your everyday beauty guidance ritual.

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