Can the hair remover be natural?

All women dream of being beautiful andindividual, for this they create their image with the help of modern means of cosmetology. A hairstyle is a special part of female beauty, and if you have not guessed with the color of your hair, you will always be able to come to the aid of a hair wash.

The reasons why the color on the paint boxdifferent from what you have, are very different. This does not always mean that the paint was substandard, it's just that you may have made a mistake when choosing a paint, and it does not fit specifically to your hair type.

The paint can contain such pigments,which are generally not compatible with your hair, and if before that your hair was painted in a different color, then when you apply one color to another shade, it may not coincide with the desired one.

If before coloring you usedto restore or color hair natural means, such as henna or basma, then most likely, the paint will not lie on your hair with an even tint. Also, the result of staining is affected by the hormonal background of the body and the use of potent drugs. Antibiotics excrete liquids and ammonia from the body, this can not positively influence the results of staining. Do not dye your hair and during pregnancy.

There are cases when the paint has fallen on the hair stains and then it is worth considering, especially if it is the washing of the black hair.

To date, there are several waysand we recommend you to choose the one that suits you. Estel hair wash is a professional chemical detergent, and it is gentle enough.

However, do not forget about natural folkMethods using kefir, butter and soda. If you still decide on the chemical method, it is worthwhile to warn that it spoils, drains and leads to brittle hair.

If you decide to save the beauty and health of your hair, then the hair remover from natural ingredients will suit you as well as possible.

You can even use this wash and treat the hair at the same time, so the washing process turns into a useful procedure.

Any competent cosmetologist - make-up artist will tell you,that the use of fermented milk products has a very beneficial effect on strengthening the roots of your hair, on damaged areas of the skin and microcracks. You can usefully use kefir masks to wash paint from your hair, because there is a large number of useful milk bacteria that is proven at the scientific level.

In addition, kefir is used to lighten the hair along the entire length.

In order to wash away unnecessary paint with the help ofkefir mask, take 1 liter of fatty yogurt, add to it 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 1 tablespoon of salt, then you need to stir the resulting composition. The finished mass must be applied to dry hair and put on a shower cap. In this form, you will need to walk about 1 hour. This mask can even be repeated, before this, rinse off thoroughly the previous mask, wash the hair with shampoo for greasy hair, and again repeat the procedure for applying the mask. However, do not get too involved with the procedure, the hair wash with kefir mask is not allowed more than 2 times a month. Also, you can use the same procedure to lighten your hair for 2 tones.

For the same purposes, a hair wash is usedon the basis of kefir, soda and vodka. Two glasses of fat kefir is mixed with 2 tablespoons of soda and 3 tablespoons of vodka. The mixed compound is heated to 40 degrees and applied to the entire length, spreading through the hair. This mask should be kept under a polyethylene cap about 2 hours. From the fact that the composition of the mask contains alcohol, you can feel a slight tingling of the skin. This mask brightens the hair by 1-1.5 tones.

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