Remedy for dandruff at home: ingredients, tips and results

Dandruff is such a flaw from whichnobody is insured. The reasons for its appearance may be different: malnutrition, poor head skin care, climate and much more. How can we get rid of this "enemy"? It turns out that the remedy for dandruff at home can be done easily and quickly. The main thing is to choose the right ingredients.

dandruff remedy at home

Treatment of dandruff in the home

Traditional medicine knows a lot of tips and recipesto get rid of various ailments. She did not ignore dandruff. Traditionally, to combat this scourge, the people used self-prepared hair masks and infusions of herbs. Let's start with the first group. So, the remedy for dandruff at home is most often done on an oil base. All known burdock oil helped to combat this shortcoming to our grandmothers and not only. Healing properties of this miracle-tool have known for a long time. What are its advantages? Firstly, it could easily be prepared on its own; secondly, it struggled not only with the problem of the scalp, but also restored the structure of the hair along the entire length; thirdly, to find the ingredients for the preparation of the remedy was not a problem. In our time nothing has changed, except that it was easy to find oil in any pharmacy. How to get rid of dandruff at home to a woman? That's the answer to the question: a small amount of oil should be heated in a water bath, then applied to the scalp, and not just apply, but do a massage for 5 minutes. Another remedy for dandruff at home is castor oil.

 how to get rid of dandruff at home to a woman
She, as well as a decoction from the root of burdock, helpedand helps fight with dandruff all lovers of folk medicine. In addition, regular use of this tool will help to increase the density of hair and make them supple and shiny. As for herbal decoctions, the leaders in combating dandruff are the nettle and the root of the aura. How to prepare a decoction? Very easy. Shredded ingredients must be poured with boiling water, let it brew for thirty minutes. At this time, you need to wash your hair in the usual way and apply balm, Then rinse your hair with a decoction, paying special attention to the skin. It should be recalled that you do not need to rinse your hair with water after rinsing, it is best to gently pat them with a towel and wrap them in your head. Herbs for such a rinse can be found in every pharmacy. Also an effective means in the fight against dandruff is a decoction from the husks of onions. It is prepared on the same principle as herbal decoctions, but there is a minus - an unpleasant long-lasting smell.

 treatment of dandruff at home

Remedy for dandruff at homecook easily and simply. To do this, you only need to know all known natural ingredients, proven by time. Burdock oil, decoctions of nettles, onion husks - all this has become a classic in the pursuit of chic hair. And that's why these tools can and should be trusted.

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