Tonic for the face - recommendations on the selection

Many of the fair sexconsider a tonic for the face not required for daily use of a cosmetic. The reason for this is insufficient awareness. The thing is that cleansing the skin disrupts the level of acidity (even when using the most gentle means) and introduces discord into the rhythm of the epidermis. The main function of the tonic is to bring the pH level back to normal, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition and protective functions of the skin. In addition, it removes the remains of make-up and cleanser, narrows the pores, matures and moisturizes, stimulates blood circulation and performs many other functions. Therefore, daily use of face tonic twice (morning and evening) is highly desirable.

Selection of funds for the face - it's purelyindividual, and guided only by your needs and needs. The composition of tonics, in addition to moisturizing and tonic components, includes various additives: anti-aging, matting, cleansing, exfoliating, stimulating the production of collagen, softening, etc. Choosing a tonic for the face, carefully read the label and select it for your skin.

Tonics for sensitive and dry skin

The main task for dry skin is itsmoisturizing and removing irritation and flaking. With this, lipids, which are contained in natural oils, are best used. Therefore, cosmetics for dry skin should contain olive, peach, apricot, grape seed oil, shea or cocoa. The presence of one (or better several) of these components will provide nutrition and hydration. It can also contain ceramines, triglycerides, cholesterol (these too are lipids), vitamins E and B5.

Tonics for normal skin

The task of cosmetics for normal skin- Do not allow drying. Therefore, along with cleansing and tonic substances, facial tonics for this series contain moisturizing components. Also, alcohol can enter here (about 5% of the total volume), but the main components are extracts of plants and fruits, vitamins. Sometimes the composition is supplemented with exfoliating ingredients that make the skin smoother, removing cornified (dead) particles.

Tonics for problem skin

Their main task is to thoroughlypurification and disinfection, prevention of clogging of pores and the formation of inflammation. To do this, the composition contains alcohol (from 30 to 50%), essential oils with a disinfectant effect and extracts of various medicinal herbs.

For purification, surfactants (surface active agentssubstances), alphahydroxine and betahydroxinic acids. More often than not others in structure of tonics for a fat skin are present dairy, citric, apple, salicylic, glycolic acid. Choosing this tonic, the main thing - do not overdo it and do not dry the skin. Therefore, give preference to those means where the alcohol content is not high.

Tonics for combination and oily skin

Cosmetic means of this series are designed to removeoily shine, narrow the pores and prevent the formation of pimples and inflammation. To do this, they contain alcohol (from 5 to 30%) and matting agents, as well as extracts of medicinal plants, fruit acids. The disadvantage of these remedies is the short-term effect of eliminating gloss: from 2 to 4 hours, after which it is necessary to wipe the skin again with a tonic.

For fans of natural cosmetics on the InternetThere are a large number of recipes on which you can prepare a tonic for the face at home. The choice of method should also be based on the needs of your skin. Before cooking, make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to all the ingredients.

Based on this information, it will be easier for youchoose the right tonic for the face. Feedback from those who use this cosmetic every day, as well as the opinions of most cosmeticians, speak for its daily use. But decide whether you will use the tonic or not, only you.

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