Types of peeling for the face in cosmetology. Chemical peelings for the face: types, reviews

Any woman who cares about her skin,sooner or later resorts to such procedure, as a peeling. It is necessary both as an independent and as a preparatory stage for more complex cosmetic procedures. Salons recently offer a variety of types of peeling for the face, differing in cost, method and strength of impact. How to understand such a wide range and choose what is suitable for a particular case?

Peeling: what is it?

Peeling is a cleansing of the skin of the face, in whichOld, dead cells that interfere with the regeneration of new cells are removed. This procedure will rejuvenate the face, give the skin a healthy appearance. Also such cleansing will help to get rid of scars and scars, pigment spots and other imperfections.

types of peeling for the face

The only condition - all types of peeling for the face in the salons should be carried out only by qualified specialists with the appropriate certificates and preferably a medical education.

Pros and cons

So, when should you think about the procedure for cleaningface. If, when looking in the mirror, you are watching tarnished, tired skin, it is worth to visit a beautician who will offer the best types of peeling for the face. In addition, the procedure can correct such aesthetic problems:

  • scars;
  • dark spots;
  • wrinkles.

Periodically, it is necessary to get rid ofdead cells to those who have excessively oily or, conversely, dry skin. The first provokes the appearance of acne and acne, and the second - not sufficiently moisturized. The procedure will help to get rid of the first signs of aging and slow down this process.

Despite the wonderful cosmetic effect, peeling in some cases can do much harm. Let us cite a number of conditions in which the procedure is contraindicated:

  1. Wounds, abrasions and foci of inflammation on the face.
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Herpes in a heightened stage.
  4. Individual intolerance to drugs (detected before the procedure on a small area of ​​the skin).
  5. A recent hair removal.

To clean the most effective, trust only professionals. Consultation of the doctor-cosmetologist before its carrying out is obligatory.

Classification of peelings

Depending on the result you want to achieve, different peelings for the face are provided. Species differ in two aspects: the mode of influence and its depth.

Depending on how the procedure is carried out,it can be chemical, mechanical, hardware or natural. These types of peeling for the face will be discussed in more detail later, and now we will dwell on what layers of skin can be used by such cleaning.

  • Superficial peeling. It acts on the outer layers of the skin, notaffects the stratum corneum. However, this is quite enough to smooth out wrinkles and even remove pigment spots. It is performed on the face cleansed from the make-up.
  • Middle peeling. Deals with deeper layers of the skin, reaching the upper dermis. The effect is more resistant than the previous species.
  • Deep peeling. Works in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, has the most persistent and pronounced effect. The procedure is very painful.

Mechanical peeling

Kinds of peelings for the face in cosmetology are headed byits mechanical variant. Special compounds with soft abrasive substances affect the surface layers of the skin, thereby removing the dead cells. The most popular microcrystalline, gommage and brossazh.

Microcrystalline facial cleansingas follows: under pressure on the face the smallest particles of aluminum are sprayed. They have a special effect on the skin, removing irregularities, smoothing it, improving the appearance. Microdermabrasion will help get rid of freckles, tighten the face, make its contour more distinct.

types of peeling for a person after 40 years

Gommage is carried out with the help of fruit acids ormilk. They act on dead cells, disconnecting them from healthy ones. The cosmetician, using a brush, after a while easily removes unnecessary parts of the skin.

When the brossage does not use any additional means and compositions, except as special soft abrasive brushes. They act on the very surface of the skin, polishing it and making it smooth.

The latter two methods are possible for self-application at home.

Hardware peeling

The name speaks for itself: the procedure is carried out with the help of special devices. The most common are: ultrasonic, laser, vacuum and brashing.

The most comfortable for the patient peeling - with the help ofultrasound. Its waves affect the horny layer of the skin. The only condition is moisture, therefore the face is treated with special solutions or thermal water.

Advantage of the laser skin cleaning procedure inThe fact that this method works on certain areas (wrinkles, pigments). Healthy skin remains unchanged. Due to this, the laser action is very delicate.

types of face peeling in salons

Vacuum peeling works on the basis of creationinside a specialized negative pressure nozzle. Thus, in the process not only the dead cells are sucked in, but also acne, wrinkles are smoothed out. The restore process is started. It is noteworthy that the variability of the attachments depends on the type of skin and the desired result.

Brashing - this is the same bessazh, only conducted not manually, but a special cosmetic device.

Superficial chemical peeling

Recently, the popularity ofchemical peelings for the face. Their types depend on the depth of the skin they act on. The acids that make up the solutions react with the skin, and then are neutralized with the help of special alkalis. The time of exposure and the aggressiveness of the formulation depend on the expected results and the required depth of impact.

All chemical peelings for the face requiredry, cleansed from the makeup of the skin. As for the procedure for surface layers, it is most facilitated. Natural acids are used: fruit or dairy, also use azelaic, kogevoy or glycolic. However, even weak drugs will help get rid of acne, dilated pores, pigment spots. This method is also recommended in the fight against aging as a preventive measure. If we consider all possible chemical peelings for the face, the reviews position this type as the most convenient: the effect is better than the mechanical and hardware variant, while there are no painful sensations and a period of rehabilitation.

Median chemical peeling

If you seriously think about rejuvenationskin, the first thing to do is a medial chemical peel. Due to stronger acids in the composition of drugs, it affects deeper structures of the skin, encouraging it to regenerate, and, consequently, to smooth out. The procedure is carried out for patients no younger than 30 years. The fact is that it is from this age, the skin begins to lose elasticity, the processes of production of hyaluronic acid and collagen are slowing down.

types of peelings for face reviews

You will be denied median peeling if one of the following conditions is observed:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • intolerance of the components of solutions.

It should be borne in mind that such an aggressive procedure requires a certain period of recovery and post-peel procedures. Solves all individually by the doctor-cosmetologist conducting the operation.

Customer feedback notes that this type of cleaning has a more persistent and pronounced effect.

Deep chemical peeling

In the most extreme cases, the patient is assignedcleaning the deepest layers of the skin. Indications can be heavy scars or scars, pronounced wrinkles. The high concentration of acid in the solution causes a severe skin burn, which requires a long recovery period of one month. Crusts from the burn will begin to depart only after two weeks.

Deep cleansing - manipulation is very serious, conducted under general anesthesia. Therefore, you need to carefully choose not only the doctor, but also the cabinet. The maximum sterility of the procedure is important.

Clients note that the effect of correctly conducted deep peeling is comparable to surgical intervention to remove wrinkles.

Mild chemical peeling

There are also chemical types of peeling for the face. Milk is one of those. It is carried out with the help of acid of vegetable origin - lactan. This component is absolutely safe, because it is produced in the body during carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, this cleansing is recommended to all without restriction, even to patients with sensitive and problematic, inflammatory-prone skin.

Such cleaning will well moisturize the skin, tighten it by activating collagen, and will also speed up the process of cell renewal.

If you prefer natural chemical speciesPeeling for the face - almond is the most sparing of them. Thanks to phenylglycolic acid you will get a lasting effect even on sensitive skin. Molecules of the substance are very large, so do not irritate the skin.

Types of peeling for the face in cosmetology

Almond acid has a lot of useful properties:

  1. It is a powerful antioxidant, therefore it prevents aging.
  2. Very delicately exfoliates the dead cells of the epidermis. Acts like a scrub, but the effect is more pronounced.
  3. Perfectly cleanses the pores, reduces the production of excessive fatty secretions in them.
  4. Whitens the skin, eliminates pigmentation, even pronounced.
  5. It tightens the skin, makes its surface smooth.
  6. It fights bacteria that live on the surface of the epidermis.

All chemical peelings for the face, the kinds of which weexamined, require careful care during the recovery period. Avoid the aggressive effects on the skin: peeling, cold, solarium. Before going out, you need to apply sunscreen with a high SPF.

Enzyme and natural peels

Cleaning the face with the help of enzymes affects the intracellular structure of the epidermis. This allows you to restore the metabolism of skin cells. Enzymes of vegetable origin are used.

Close to enzyme peeling natural. Preparations with which it is carried out do not contain any substances of non-natural origin. According to the customers of cosmetology rooms, the best effect is possible to achieve two of its varieties: biofitopiling and coral cleaning. The first way is a whole complex of measures for cleansing and correcting the surface of the skin. Along with extracts of medicinal plants, the compositions are enriched with vitamin complexes. Cleaning with coral chips is also very in demand.

peeling face
During the procedure, the epidermis is enriched with curative marine minerals. Also included in the composition are rare herbs that grow in Brazil.

The choice of peeling depending on age

Consider the recommended types of peeling for the facedepending on the age. To conduct the procedure is necessary at any age, because the skin is renewed constantly and the dead cells on it are always there. However, the mode of action depends on the processes taking place in the epidermis.

Skin up to 25 years elastic and taut, not excludeddryness. Sometimes there is pigmentation and acne. Therefore, it is enough to use light types of cleaning: fruit acids, hardware (brashing), gommage and all kinds of scrubs. Procedures are also carried out to prevent the aging of the epidermis.

chemical peelings for face types

Age 25-35 years - the time when the first wrinkles appear, the skin begins the first aging processes. Here, surface chemical, laser peelings or dermabrasion are used.

Kinds of peeling for the face after 40 years are calledfight with already noticeable wrinkles, pronounced pigmentation, enlarged pores and capillaries. Median peeling, vacuum and laser resurfacing are performed.

After 50 years, deep peeling and laser resurfacing is recommended.

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