How to lighten hair at home?

It is generally accepted that men are more to tasteblonde. You can agree or not with this opinion, but many young ladies dream of lightening their hair. They think that it will make them more beautiful and sexy.

Lighten hair
Professional salons offer qualitylightening hair, but not everyone has the opportunity to regularly visit the hairdresser and pay a lot of money for the services of professionals. It turns out that if a trip to an expensive hairdresser is too expensive, with a dream of blond curls you should say goodbye? Not at all! Read our recommendations and get started!

Lightening hair with natural dyes

To lighten the hair folk remedies for a couple of tones, you can use the following methods:

1. Crush ascorbic acid in tablets to a powdery state. Mix three tablespoons of the resulting powder with a spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice. In order for the mixture to be better, evenly distributed over the hair, add a little shampoo. Divide the hair into strands and apply the resulting composition to them. At the end of the process, put a polyethylene hat or bag on your head. You can warm your head with a towel or a special hood. Wash off the mixture with a shampoo. In order to visibly clarify the hair, keep the mixture on the hair for at least an hour.

Lighten hair folk remedies

2. Brew strong chamomile tea. Mix three cups of broth with the juice of one lemon. After the usual washing of hair rinse them with chamomile broth with lemon juice. The effect of such a rinse will be higher if you dry your hair under the sunlight in the air.

If you want to significantly lighten your hair, thenfolk remedies can not cope. In this case, chemical dyes will come to the rescue. The seller in the cosmetic shop will help you choose the right hair dye. Follow the instructions that come with the paint carefully and a positive result is guaranteed!

Clarification with hydrogen peroxide

Lighten hair with peroxide
However, often in the store there is no suitable paint orit is too expensive. To achieve the desired result and to lighten your hair, you can at all not a lot of money. To do this, you need to go not to the cosmetic store, but to the nearest pharmacy. To discolor ringlets you will need to purchase hydrogen peroxide (several bubbles) and ammonia (one bottle is enough).

To lighten hair with peroxide, prepareglass or porcelain container. Depending on the length of the hair, pour into it one or three vials of peroxide. On top of dripping ammonia, it will need one drop for every 10 ml of peroxide. Add a little liquid soap to the solution. To replace soap with shampoo it is not necessary - in it there are too many extraneous impurities which can enter into an undesirable reaction with reagents. Apply the compound to the hair. It is advisable to wash your hair 2-3 days before painting. Immediately after the preparation, the composition should be applied to the hair, otherwise it will lose its properties.

Keep the mixture on your hair, depending on thethe desired result, should be from three minutes to half an hour. After this, all thoroughly rinse and finally rinse your hair with acidified vinegar or lemon juice.

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