How to discolor hair on the lips: harmless ways to get rid of dark hairs

How to bleach hair over the lip
Modern women and girls just imaginethey can not imagine how they would have lived the way that their nature has created: always in appearance there is something that you want to correct, correct or at least disguise. This is our whole nature: we passionately want to look attractive, we want to like men and ourselves. Among the shortcomings of many of the fair sex are the antennae: in some they are light and inconspicuous, while in others they are dark and conspicuous. It is clear that many are trying to get rid of the unwanted cannon. There are several solutions to this problem, let's learn how to bleach the hair over the lip.

Who deserves discoloration?

Before you do the procedure that makes the hairover the lip transparent and invisible, you need to identify the cause of their appearance. The first option - hormonal disorders, imbalance in the body. To it lead long courses of reception of strong medicines, antibiotics, transitional age, pregnancy or a climacterium. About these reasons you can talk in a situation where before you have vegetation on your face was not, and then it appeared, and in large quantities. In this case, the doctor after the examination will prescribe hormonal drugs, which for a short time will get rid of unwanted hair. The second reason is hereditary predisposition, which is not eliminated by drugs. In such cases, it is required to remove or brighten the fluff emerging, and now we will tell how to bleach the hair over the lip.

Home methods of depigmentation using hydrogen peroxide

how to bleach hair on the face
Women who have hairs visible, but notblack, any bleaching procedures are suitable. At home, it is easiest to use hydrogen peroxide (3%), moisten it with a cotton pad or swab and wipe the growth area of ​​unwanted hair on the face 2 times a day. For one procedure, the result will not be noticeable, but after a few days they will become light, brittle, and cease to be troublesome. Those who are afraid of traumatizing the delicate skin of the face, but want to know how to discolor hair without harm, we recommend adding peroxide to a small amount of shaving foam and applied like a mask for 10 minutes. Then rinse with water and lubricate the skin with baby cream. To enhance the effect of some add to the peroxide solution of ammonia (for 1 tsp 2-3 drops of ammonia) or lanolin (in a ratio of 1: 2). This mixture also wipes the hairs for several days, but it causes irritation. Almond oil or petroleum jelly will help to soothe reddened skin. A mixture of soap shavings, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide - a powerful, but very aggressive, which is applied to the skin as a foam, held for 15 minutes and washed off.

Other ways of self-discoloration of facial hair

How to bleach hair without harm
If you are afraid of chemical compounds, and you need to lighten your hair, we recommend that you pay attention to folk ways:

  • Lemon mask. Protein 1 eggs beat up to foam, add 2 tsp. lemon juice, mix and apply, like a mask, for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off.
  • Acetic mask. Mix the lemon juice, water and vinegar, apply as a mask to the problem area and wash off after an hour. It is better to use this recipe at night, as it causes redness and irritation on the skin.
  • Infusion of the ground nut shell (walnut or cedar) on the water.
  • Constant vodka solution of datura seeds.

How to bleach hair over the lips with cosmetics

Perhaps you have not approached any of the proposedways. How to bleach hair on the face without harm to health and without damage to the purse? In beauty salons and shops you can buy special products that brighten the creams. Note that these products are designed to remove hair on the face, not on the body. It is necessary to follow the instructions for use, and after a couple of days the result will be noticeable: the hairs will become thinner and lighter than before.

Salon procedures

How to bleach dark hair
Women, whose hair on the face is very dark,Do not self-discolor. The changed color of the vegetation on the face will look unnatural and repulsive. In the beauty salon, the wizards will pick up the right color and help paint the tendrils in it so that they do not contrast with the skin tone. How to discolor dark hair, to make them invisible, will prompt only experienced professionals - home remedies here do not fit.

Those who want to solve the problem radically, it is worthto be stocked in cash. In order not to break your head, how to bleach your hair over the lip, and get rid of them once and for all, resort to laser removal or photoepilation. The course will consist of several procedures and will require certain financial costs, but the result is worth it. The structure of hair and bulbs will change so much that they stop growing at all.

To stay attractive, use any method you like, emphasize your natural beauty and mask your shortcomings!

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