Shades of light brown hair: French highlights

Brown hair is considered the most attractive,because their owners radiate inner light, in which you want to swim around the clock. This is the reasoning of 75% of men whose second halves color curls exactly in this color. It in its pure form does not exist in nature, but shades of light brown hair can be considered natural, as they all emphasize the smoothness of the skin, and the eyes are soft.

Shades of light brown hair

Dark-blond hair has been considered for centuriesSlavic. Knowingly for the Russian princess, whose braids fell to their knees, the heroes-fellows fought on swords. Dreamed in the house of a beautiful wife and the same daughters were those whose title allowed them to send matchmakers, without fear of refusal. In the royal chambers it was possible to meet all shades of light-brown hair, including a reddish-brown and ash-gray outflow.

At present, to make yourself ownersuch hair is easy, if only you had a light skin and gray-blue eyes. Many fashion designers build their collections, relying on the blond hair color, the shades of which are admired for their nobility and beauty. Popular movie stars prefer light blond locks of medium length, favorably emphasizing the natural beauty of women.

Shades of chestnut hair color

Try yourself shades of light brown hairit's easy, if only you were not a brunette or brown-haired woman, because you have to lighten your curls more than once to get a gentle color for a couple of stains. True, dark-blossom color comes only from an experienced stylist, so you have to make an appointment with a master in a beauty salon. Hairdresser-designer before you begin to manipulate with strands, will explain to you how much the process will be complicated and what can happen after he tries to achieve the desired effect.

If your hair is light and thin, thencoloration must pass without problems. Sometimes, to complete the image, you will need a highlighting. Do not abandon him: your hair will be much more interesting, if different shades of light-brown bring a little color of the Far North. White ash on the fair hair of slender girls looks amazing. A curl that descends from the shoulders will bewitch not only the representatives of the stronger sex, but also of the same age.

Light brown hair color shades

Shades of light brown hair are sometimes confused with light chestnut. The difference is that this highlight on the blond curls is only visible in the sun, while on brown strands it plays around the clock.

Some women are ashamed of the red tint,trying to get rid of it with the help of hydropyrite. Do not discolour hair the way it does for porcelain dolls. There is a more suitable way - French highlights.

The effect of burnt hair is achieved thanks toA special composition that brightens the hair by one tone. Moreover, the hairstyle after it visually increases in volume, and curls shine, as if them have covered a layer of a varnish.

The shades of chestnut-colored hair do not lend themselves to French marking. Discoloration of dark strands requires a more aggressive environment than the one with which stylists work.

Blondes can count on a more effective appearance, if their eyes are not darker than the emerald, and the structure of the hair does not resemble a horse's tail.

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