Basic wardrobe for men: features, kit and recommendations of professionals

One effective way to assess the internalthe world of a man is an analysis of his image. This is obvious, because Anton Pavlovitch Chekhov considered such a transparent relationship: "Everything must be perfect in man: soul, clothes and thoughts". It is no coincidence that today's representatives of the stronger sex take their appearance seriously enough and responsibly choose the basic things of the men's wardrobe.

The main factors that determine the nature of the men's wardrobe

In fact, the issue under consideration is notso simple and unsophisticated, which it seems initially. After all, as a rule, men are not inspired by a shopping trip, unlike the fair sex. That's why before making purchases in the base wardrobe (men's), you should clearly find out which set of things for a particular person will turn out to be the most optimal, because no one has canceled the functionality and interchangeability.

Basic wardrobe (male)

So, the most important aspect in choosing clothes isa way of life of the man, after all someone promotes the activity in office, and someone - the professional sportsman. In addition, you need to consider the color preferences of a particular person. As it turned out, the most popular colors of men's clothing are the following: black, white, gray, brown and beige, but modern society dictates its rules - and today things are perfectly acceptable for a man of pink or orange, for example. It should be noted that the figure of a person determines a lot, because it is so important - to be able to choose a basic wardrobe (male) competently. Thus, every member of the stronger sex has the right to start or continue to invest profitable in themselves, because "they meet on clothes".

How to lay the foundations of a new image?

As it turned out, one of the components of the absolutethe success of a man is a well-chosen wardrobe. Where should I start? Of course, if necessary, to get rid of outdated both physically and morally things. After be defined with individual style, it is so important to feel not only attractive, but also very self-confident. And already on the basis of the chosen image, the formation of an individual clothing set will be expedient.

So, the basic elements included in the basicwardrobe (men's) are trousers, jackets, suits, shirts, knitwear (for example, V-neck sweaters), socks and underwear, T-shirts and T-shirts, outerwear (lately, the coat is very popular), shoes (like usually, they are half-shoes-Oxford, but do not forget about sports and tourist elements) and, of course, accessories that occupy a special position in the image of every member of the stronger sex.

 Basic things of men's wardrobe

Selection of wardrobe depending on age

Naturally, with age, a man does not changeonly their outlook, but also their preferences in clothes. Therefore, a thing that is relevant to a teenager under the age of 20 will never lead to admiration for a man in his forties.

Thus, it is necessary to be able to competentlyorganize the creation of a basic men's wardrobe, in order to clearly form their own essence through clothing. For example, if the classic blue jeans are suitable for both a young man and a 50-year-old leader of a large company, the sweatshirt, illiterately pouring into the image of an adult male, will look ridiculous. Of course, there are exceptions, because in conditions that are comfortable for a person (for example, at a dacha), he can wear even pajamas with dots, if it delivers at least a little pleasure.

Nevertheless, within the social environmentit is important to take into account the nuance that the basic wardrobe (male) of a solid person and student can not coincide in any way. This statement applies not only to clothing, but also a variety of accessories, such as a tie or watch.

Types of figure and appropriate clothing

It is important to note that all representatives of a strongsex without exception are interested in their figure, although they often hide it. Proof of fact is the conduct of a survey of the American GQ, the results of which are very significant. As it turned out, most men are unhappy with their figure. So, two ways of solving the problem are formed: to change oneself or to learn how to choose clothes in accordance with the shortcomings of one's own body. As a rule, preference is given to the second option. And this is not surprising, because a competent image creation can visualize an outwardly perfect person.

Creating a basic men's wardrobe

So, in society there are three main typesfigures, pick up clothes for which it is very difficult. The triangular shape of the body differs in the non-standard width of the shoulders, narrow waist and hips. In this case, you should be able to correctly emphasize your image through T-shirts, T-shirts and jeans. The problem can arise with the choice of a suit for the office, so it would be highly advisable to tailor it to order. The rectangular shape of the body is the most common. It implies the appropriateness of jackets, shirts and sweaters. But in this case it is very important to control your weight, because the full type of figure is a consequence of illiterate care for a rectangular type, which is also subject to correction. One-breasted jackets and shirts with an acute-angled collar are appropriate here. It is important to exclude tight clothing and trousers with a low fit.

Elements of the wardrobe in case of a celebration. The main aspects of creating a spectacular image

In the life of each person, one can single out a widea series of solemn events, be it presentations, corporate parties or weddings of loved ones. During such events it is very important to feel absolutely comfortable. That is why in the cases presented, you should think over your holiday image in detail.

Male base wardrobe. What should be in the closet?

A traditional version of clothing for men in the case ofespecially important events is a classic black suit. But the modern world dictates its own rules, and such prerogative is no longer appropriate. Tuxedos and trousers of the darkest shades were eclipsed mostly by blue colors. It is important to note that today the use of multi-colored clothes for various kinds of festive events is widely practiced. In addition, the costume fabric should have completely natural properties, and the image must necessarily be completed with appropriate accessories, among which the most important are the tie and the clip for it. Of great importance are watches, with the possibility of an elite manufacturer, and, of course, a belt that will fully match the costume and become the final element of creating a presentable appearance of a man.

Casual men's basic wardrobe. What should be in the closet?

Every member of the stronger sex has a fullthe right to choose clothes of urban everyday style. If solemn events and working days at the office have the right to create certain limits and bans in clothes, then on weekends the man controls his image in accordance with his own taste preferences.

So, many people create a male base wardrobefor all seasons by traditional standards. It usually includes shirts (if in the event of a holiday or work the choice stops on standard colors, then in a daily life yellow, purple, green and other colors are appropriate), jeans (how classical will be their option depends on the age and individual taste preferences of a person), t-shirts and turtlenecks, outerwear (coats, jeans jackets and so on), as well as various street accessories, such as caps. It is important to note that the choice of everyday clothes is really great, so it is expedient in this case to have full confidence in your inner voice. You need to wear something that is not only beautiful, but also comfortable. After all, psychologists have proved: one of the main elements that cause absolute self-confidence in a person is a competently created image.

What to wear to work? Tips for every day

The determining factor in choosing a working image is the presence of a dress code in the company. Based on this condition, the appearance of any person is formed.

Male base wardrobe for all seasons

So, the basic men's wardrobe in the style of kazhualIt is appropriate with absolute freedom of style in the organization. Then it is quite appropriate to wear jeans that are so popular in society. They can be classic dark blue or trendy with scuffs. In general, the style in question distinguishes four types of jeans. Next items are T-shirts and shirts. As it turned out, in the wardrobe of each man must be present at least seven components. In addition, great attention should be paid to the coloring of products, because T-shirts with inscriptions and drawings in this case are inappropriate. Style kazhual assumes the presence in the wardrobe of knitted sweaters with a V-neck, the shades of which, if possible, should be uniform. And the final elements of the style are the jackets of neutral colors.

In the case if the labor activity of a personassumes a dress code, can not do without a tuxedo and trousers of classic cut. The presented image has a significant similarity to the solemn style in the clothes described above, but the hallmark is the absolute relevance of black in the case of the office.

Standard set of shoes for men

The central factor in the choice of shoes is itsThe combination with other elements of the wardrobe. Thus, under the business suit will be appropriate classic shoes in black or other dark shades, appropriate clothing. It is important to note that traditionally in society there has been a judgment that brown or gray shades of shoes are appropriate only in everyday style.

men's basic wardrobe for a student

It is not accidental that men form their ownindividual wardrobe pay great attention to the definition of shoes, because they have repeatedly heard the saying that female representatives often at the first meeting pay attention to shoes. Although there are exceptions everywhere.

The central element of the shoe wardrobe of everyonemen are black shoes of classic style. As a rule, it is not necessary to regret such an investment in itself to the representatives of the stronger sex, because it is universal. It is important to remember that the shoes must necessarily be combined with the strap according to the color scheme. If you competently provide this combination, the result will be win-win, and the attention of female representatives is guaranteed!

Variety of men's accessories

The optimal option for shaping a spectacularimage is its addition with relevant accessories. Thus, most of the stronger sex often get ties (in conjunction with clips and pins for them), scarves, scarves, hats, cufflinks, belts, butterflies, and watches. And this is not surprising, because the above elements of style can serve as a unique addition to the overall image, provided they are used competently (restraint in quantity and minimal rashness are the determining factors).

Basic men's wardrobe. Stylist tips

A detailed consideration will bebasic accessories. So, sunglasses are an excellent solution in conditions of clear weather. They are able to give the image a special charm and uniqueness. In any men's wardrobe should be at least two belts: black, as well as brown leather. In addition, a winning addition is the wristwatch, because they are a symbol of a certain status. A tie is usually an urgent need in the case of a gala evening or the appropriateness of a dress code in the workplace, but hats and a variety of scarves are specific additions that are preferred only by ardent lovers of unusual details.

Basic men's wardrobe. Stylist tips

Everyone knows that true professionals likeno one else knows the basic preference of men in choosing clothes: the minimum of things is the maximum of combinations. In accordance with this request, a system of original ideas was developed for the image of the stronger sex, be it a male base wardrobe for a student or clothes for a solid businessman.

The complex in question includesdisposal of unnecessary things, the formation of unique combinations, the use of boring classics, a variety of shades in clothes, a meticulous approach to the choice of style elements (referring to the quality and optimality of products), and the availability of basic kits in the wardrobe (described above).

Basic men's wardrobe in the style of kazhual

As it turned out, the process of creating an individualwardrobe is not so complicated. The main thing is to be able to competently combine the purpose of clothes and taste preferences, as well as manage the art of supplementing your own image with accessories. As a result of the appropriateness of these conditions, the effeciency of the image is guaranteed, as well as the special attention of the fair sex. After all, real men clearly know that there is no second chance to make a first impression.

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