Sample 875 - what is this? Gold 875 tests - price per gram

Nothing soothes the soul, as the long-awaitedshopping trip, and doubly this process is pleasant in the event that the long-awaited gold ornaments have been purchased, and what can the eye (regardless of its owner's sex) enjoy more than the brilliance of a noble metal, now in the full possession of a happy buyer?

Glitter and misery of jewelry stores

However, gold is different from gold, and in order toexpensive purchase continued to please its owner, you need to know how to distinguish a real precious metal from a fake, which no jeweler will buy even as a scrap.

sample 875 what is it

Indicator quality of gold products deservedlyconsider the trial. The modern market of precious metals is subject to seasonal and economically conditioned fluctuations, however, by some miracle the number of jewelry stores and stores is constantly growing. This is because many retail outlets, intentionally or not, offer their customers products from low-quality alloys, or even those that are equal in price to gold, are not.

It's not about color, but about impurities

Contrary to well-established opinion, the gold content inJewelry can not be determined by its color, even approximately. In the USSR, there was a practice according to which jewelry from a precious alloy of the same sample had the same shade, but at the moment identical in content of the title metals, the products can have completely different colors. It is due to the fact that the color of the earring or ring is determined by the ligature - impurities, which are added in order to make the decoration more usable.

Pure gold (the so-called 1000-th test, innature is almost never found, and the technology of its production is extremely complex, so more often this means metal of the 999th test) is very soft and deformed even with little mechanical impact. However, thanks to the addition of a ligature (it can vary in composition, therefore, it gives different colors to jewelry), the ornaments made from precious metals become harder and retain their shape much better.

Domestic samples

In Russia and in most European countries,with a karat is a trial system to assess the proportion of gold in the metal part of the jewelry. So, for example, the 585th test means that the title metal in this product is slightly more than half - 58.5%. Such an ornament is weaker than mechanical influence and deformation, but it is also valued below.

Gold products having a sample below 375(the minimum accepted in Russia for jewelry) go into the category of jewelry, filling the niche of its upper price range. In addition to the 375th and 585th in Russia, samples of 500, 583, 750, 958, 996 and 999.9 have also been taken. Due to the technological complexity of purifying gold from impurities, the most pure alloy is often designated as the 990th breakdown, but often in such a precious metal product may be somewhat larger than indicated on the sample.

gold 875 tests price

As we see, the 875th mark in the list does not occur, but does this mean that the ring decorating the 875 automatically makes it a counterfeit commodity? Let's understand.

On the product is a sample of 875 - what is it? A fake or just a non-standard alloy?

In order not to run into a decoration with a badhistory, it is better not to be tempted by low prices in pawnshops, but to go to a famous jewelry salon or an online store that cares about its reputation. But we will not go into such details. Suppose you have a jewelry in your hand, on which it is noted that it is made of 875 gold. We understand everything in detail.

875 sample price per gram

Armed with a magnifying glass and carefully examine the sample. If it is blurry or not clearly printed, it is better not to pay attention to such goods. If the quality of sealing does not cause doubts, proceed to the next step - ask the seller for documents on the jewelry and carefully study them. The fact that the product can be made of silver, and gold (or similar to it, not once a precious material) can only be the top cover. The silver used in jewelry production may well be a sample of 875 - the price per gram of such a product must be appropriate. If you are satisfied with such a breakdown at the declared cost, you can get your wallet, if not - we go further.

ring 875 test

Overseas guest

In the countries of the Arab world and the Persian Gulf,on the contrary, the most expensive products made of gold are those produced from high grade precious metals - it is quite possible to buy a brooch from 990 gold if it is possible to avoid a heart attack in the process of ascertaining the price. To find out in the potential property of the foreign visitor, we continue to study the jewelry, which shows the sample 875. What is it? Instead of the figure "875" is "21K"! Without panic, gentlemen, the point is that the system of assessing the purity of precious alloys adopted in our country is not the only one. In addition, there is a so-called carat system - in it, the gold of the 1000th test is called 24-carat. By simple arithmetic calculations, we learn that a 21-carat alloy (which is what this brand stands for) is a gold of 875 tests - the price will be appropriate, but the extreme cheapness should alert - abroad, jewelry falsification is also engaged.

875 sample price per gram

And if it happens in Russia?

You buy jewelry in the territoryRussian Federation, in a domestic store, but there is no sample 875 on the product? What is it? And then without panic - modern legislation allows for the absence of a stigma with a sample on the domestic scale in the event that the mark of another system of calculation on the product is well read. In addition to the inscription "21K" on the decoration, it can be indicated, for example, that there are 84 spools of precious metal - in this system the 1000th test corresponds to 96 goldsmiths, so the product with such characteristics is also seven-eighths of pure gold.

gold 875 tests price

To the question of cost

You looked at the price of gold on the stock exchange, and instore it is lower, although it is written that the sample is 875. What is this? A fake? And then without panic - in the vast majority of cases, the price of precious metals, which can easily find out the average Internet user - is the cost of one gram of pure (that is, 1000th test) gold. At the time of writing, it was 1413.08 rubles. per gram. This means that if the product costs 875 test, the price per gram should be no less than seven eighths of this amount. But there is also a payment for the work of the jeweler, and taxes, and the seller himself must also get something. Consider all this, and then the risk of running into a counterfeit will be significantly lower: gold is too expensive metal, products from it simply can not be sold for a pittance.

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