Is it painful to pierce the navel?

Piercing is one way to attract attention toyour body with the help of foreign objects. This procedure involves puncturing any part of the body and wearing jewelry in this place. The most popular type of piercing, no doubt, remains puncture earlobes - earrings in the ears is the majority of the fair sex, as well as many men. But second place in popularity keeps navel piercing. This is the most sexual kind of puncture - in combination with a short top on a tanned tummy with a pumped up press, the navel piercing looks very, very beautiful.

is it painful to pierce the navel
There are no special restrictions or prohibitions,to pierce the navel, the price of this kind of piercing is also not too high, and do a similar procedure in almost every beauty salon. The only thing that can stop the piercing of the navel is moral prohibitions on the part of loved ones, to whom the very idea of ​​piercing may seem unacceptable. In the rare case, it can be stopped only by the fear of pain.

Is it painful to pierce the navel? If a professional is involved, use thin medical needles, anesthesia and do everything quickly, then you will not feel any particular pain. The procedure itself is not much more painful than taking blood from a finger. But there are features of how to properly pierce the navel. If you do not take them into account, the piercing can be very unpleasant. Usually the upper part of the navel is pierced - there are not too many blood vessels in this place, and the skin is thin enough to easily pierce. But the lower part of the navel is much more sensitive, and when piercing it is risk to touch the vessel and make a small bleeding. In addition, the answer to the question "is it painful to pierce the navel?" depends on the structure of your abdomen and navel in particular. In some people, this part of the body protrudes sufficiently above the surface of the abdomen, and even if the puncture itself is harmless, such a navel will heal for a long time, rub against clothing and thereby provoke inflammation.

to pierce the navel price
Also, a positive response to the question "is it painfulto pierce the navel "can be shared by fat people.In their case, the healing process of the puncture is complicated by the fact that when sitting on the navel is between the folds of the skin, it accumulates a large number of sweat, pathogenic bacteria and germs that do not help healing the wound. may also disturb pregnant women - usually decorations in this place do not cause problems until 6 months of pregnancy.Then the skin on the abdomen begins to stretch and the piercing can cause pain.

how to properly pierce the navel
Therefore, if you belong to one of thesecategories of people, and at the moment are in meditation, do not make a navel piercing, ask yourself the question: "Is it painful to pierce the navel to me personally?" Appreciate all your pros and cons of this procedure and only then decide to go to the salon. In any case, remember that the piercing is a reversible process, which means that as soon as painful sensations arise, the earring can always be removed.

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