What a gift for a silver wedding is appropriate to give

If a married couple has lived in a legal marriage andhas kept its union for a quarter of a century, then a holiday in honor of such a celebration is called a silver wedding. 25 years together - the date is a serious, worthy of pride, ovations and, of course, gifts. About what can be presented for a silver wedding, you can argue for a long time. Variants of presents are great. As they say, the question is only in price and personal relationship of the donor to silver newlyweds. Although, a silver wedding is usually invited very close people and family friends.

But still it is worth to talk about what a gifton a silver wedding is appropriate to give the culprits the celebration. After all, with a bouquet of flowers or even with empty hands and a verbal greeting to come somehow very indecent.

It is customary to give silver for a silver wedding. It is considered a noble metal. At the beginning of the last century, for example, the presence of dishes and interior items in the house indicated a high position in the society of their owner.

That's the ready idea of ​​what a gift fora silver wedding should be presented. As an option, it can be silver jewelry. For example, chains or bracelets. By the way, this option is also very symbolic: 25 years ago the newlyweds bonded their union with rings, and today they are fastened with chains. As an addition, chains can also be donated from silver. Only pick up pendant should be scrupulous, so that the secret meaning of the gift was correctly read. For example, a pendant in the form of a droplet hints that the life of the husband and wife is still too small and not particularly impressive. And the zodiac sign will tell you that all the secret and secret events of the family donor are in the know, which is also not very pleasant. But the hearts, icons, talismans and symbols, for example, letters and numbers - are ideal for suspension as a gift on occasion.

Another fashionable gift for a silver wedding ispins. They have long been considered wards and reliable protection from the evil eye and bad thoughts. Newlyweds were pinned pins to protect them from the envy of human and worldly sinful thoughts. Pins are of several types: the usual English (it is considered a charm), the one that pins on the pillow of the tie, and the clamp.

But the rings - not exactly a suitable gift for a silver wedding from friends and relatives. This is an intimate gift, they can only be exchanged between spouses.

The most popular present for a silver weddingrecognized the cutlery of this most precious metal. This can be a set of just spoons, and prefabricated complete sets of cutlery, which are packed in beautiful suitcases. Knives silver (even dining rooms), separately from other items for the wedding is not given. This promises troubles and a break in the family ties. But a round or oval (not square) silver tray is a gift and with positive energy, and practical. A tray in the household is the right thing. And besides practicality, it has a secret meaning. The tray symbolizes the river of family life.

Also a great gift for a silver wedding- clock. This is a very symbolic present. It is important that at the time of presenting this gift, the hands of the watch are not stopped. Therefore, before you give, you must once again be convinced of the proper movement of all the hands of the clockwork.

Of course, the watch is a delicate and specific thing. If you doubt that such a gift will please the culprits of the celebration, then present them with silver figurines on occasion. They have always been in price and will never go out of fashion. In addition, the statuettes perfectly complement the interior, introducing into it a certain charm, zest.

Let's hope that of all the listedvariants of gifts the most suitable will be found. The main thing, after all, is the attention and the mood with which the donor gives presents on the occasion. And if a surprise is done from the heart, then it will definitely be appreciated.

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